The south-western branch of the Variscan Belt: evidence from Morocco

A Michard, A Soulaimani, C Hoepffner, H Ouanaimi… - Tectonophysics, 2010 - Elsevier
This work is based on the compilation and re-evaluation of the most significant data, either
personal or from the literature, concerning the Moroccan Variscides. The latter constitute the …

Pan-African tectonic evolution and glacial events registered in Neoproterozoic to Cambrian cratonic and foreland basins of West Africa

M Deynoux, P Affaton, R Trompette… - Journal of African Earth …, 2006 - Elsevier
This paper attempts to describe the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian lithostratigraphic
successions occurring on the West African craton and in the surrounding Pan-African fold …

The moroccan hercynides

C Hoepffner, A Soulaimani, A Piqué - Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2005 - Elsevier
In Northern Africa deformed Paleozic rocks are observed, mainly in Morocco where they are
present in two structural domains:(i) the southern domain, ie the Anti-Atlas belt. In this …

An expanded record of Early Cambrian carbon cycling from the Anti-Atlas Margin, Morocco

AC Maloof, DP Schrag, JL Crowley… - Canadian Journal of …, 2005 -
We present a δ13C record from the Anti-Atlas mountains of Morocco and place it in the
context of a detailed regional tectonostratigraphy. We place the litho-and chemostratigraphic …

Late Ediacaran–Cambrian structures and their reactivation during the Variscan and Alpine cycles in the Anti-Atlas (Morocco)

A Soulaimani, A Michard, H Ouanaimi, L Baidder… - Journal of African Earth …, 2014 - Elsevier
Abstract The post-Pan-African evolution of the northern border of the West African Craton is
largely controlled by the remobilisation of Late Neoproterozoic basement faults. The Upper …

The Central Iapetus magmatic province: An updated review and link with the ca. 580 Ma Gaskiers glaciation

N Youbi, RE Ernst, U Söderlund, MA Boumehdi… - 2020 -
Large igneous provinces and associated silicic magmatism can have a significant global
climatic effect, so we explored the relationship between the large igneous province record …

The giant Imiter silver deposit: Neoproterozoic epithermal mineralization in the Anti-Atlas, Morocco

A Cheilletz, G Levresse, D Gasquet, M Azizi-Samir… - Mineralium …, 2002 - Springer
The world-class Imiter silver deposit, in the Anti-Atlas Mountains of Morocco, is a
Neoproterozoic epithermal vein deposit genetically associated with a felsic volcanic event …

[PDF][PDF] L'extension continentale au Néo-Protérozoïque supérieur-Cambrien inférieur dans l'Anti-Atlas (Maroc)

A Soulaimani, M Bouabdelli, A Piqué - Bull. Soc. géol. France, 2003 -
Dans l'Anti-Atlas (sud du Maroc), la couverture du Néo-protérozoïque supérieur, discordante
sur les structures panafricaines, s' organise en «séries» volcaniques et détritiques (Groupe …

Diachronism in the late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian arc-rift transition of North Gondwana: A comparison of Morocco and the Iberian Ossa-Morena Zone

JJ Álvaro, F Bellido, D Gasquet, MF Pereira… - Journal of African Earth …, 2014 - Elsevier
In the northwestern border of the West African craton (North Gondwana), a transition from
late Neoproterozoic subduction/collision to Cambrian rift processes was recorded in the Anti …