Addressing skepticism of the critical brain hypothesis
JM Beggs - Frontiers in computational neuroscience, 2022 - frontiersin.org
The hypothesis that living neural networks operate near a critical phase transition point has
received substantial discussion. This “criticality hypothesis” is potentially important because …
received substantial discussion. This “criticality hypothesis” is potentially important because …
Self-organization toward criticality by synaptic plasticity
Self-organized criticality has been proposed to be a universal mechanism for the emergence
of scale-free dynamics in many complex systems, and possibly in the brain. While such …
of scale-free dynamics in many complex systems, and possibly in the brain. While such …
Tackling the subsampling problem to infer collective properties from limited data
Despite the development of large-scale data-acquisition techniques, experimental
observations of complex systems are often limited to a tiny fraction of the system under …
observations of complex systems are often limited to a tiny fraction of the system under …
Subsampled directed-percolation models explain scaling relations experimentally observed in the brain
Recent experimental results on spike avalanches measured in the urethane-anesthetized
rat cortex have revealed scaling relations that indicate a phase transition at a specific level …
rat cortex have revealed scaling relations that indicate a phase transition at a specific level …
Criticality, connectivity, and neural disorder: a multifaceted approach to neural computation
K Heiney, O Huse Ramstad, V Fiskum… - Frontiers in …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
It has been hypothesized that the brain optimizes its capacity for computation by self-
organizing to a critical point. The dynamical state of criticality is achieved by striking a …
organizing to a critical point. The dynamical state of criticality is achieved by striking a …
The recovery of parabolic avalanches in spatially subsampled neuronal networks at criticality
Scaling relationships are key in characterizing complex systems at criticality. In the brain,
they are evident in neuronal avalanches—scale-invariant cascades of neuronal activity …
they are evident in neuronal avalanches—scale-invariant cascades of neuronal activity …
Hybrid-type synchronization transitions: Where incipient oscillations, scale-free avalanches, and bistability live together
The human cortex is never at rest but in a state of sparse and noisy neural activity that can
be detected at broadly diverse resolution scales. It has been conjectured that such a state is …
be detected at broadly diverse resolution scales. It has been conjectured that such a state is …
In and Out of Criticality? State-Dependent Scaling in the Rat Visual Cortex
The presumed proximity to a critical point is believed to endow the brain with scale-invariant
statistics, which are thought to confer various functional advantages in terms of its …
statistics, which are thought to confer various functional advantages in terms of its …
Scale-free behavioral dynamics directly linked with scale-free cortical dynamics
Naturally occurring body movements and collective neural activity both exhibit complex
dynamics, often with scale-free, fractal spatiotemporal structure. Scale-free dynamics of both …
dynamics, often with scale-free, fractal spatiotemporal structure. Scale-free dynamics of both …
Parabolic avalanche scaling in the synchronization of cortical cell assemblies
Neurons in the cerebral cortex fire coincident action potentials during ongoing activity and in
response to sensory inputs. These synchronized cell assemblies are fundamental to cortex …
response to sensory inputs. These synchronized cell assemblies are fundamental to cortex …