The core bacteriobiome of Côte d'Ivoire soils across three vegetation zones

CER Amon, RK Fossou, AET Ebou, DK Koua… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
The growing understanding that soil bacteria play a critical role in ecosystem servicing has
led to a number of large-scale biogeographical surveys of soil microbial diversity. However …

Smart specialisation strategies in sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities, challenges and initial map** for Côte d'Ivoire

M Dosso, A Kleibrink, M Matusiak - African Journal of Science …, 2022 -
This paper calls for a better integration of place-based, evidence-based and inclusive
dimensions in the implementation of the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) plans …

Is there a nexus between China outward foreign direct investment and welfare in Côte dʼIvoire? Empirical evidence from the Toda–Yamamoto procedure

EJ Allou, BN Adeleye, J Cheng… - African Development …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in the socio‐economic advancement
of develo** countries. In the last decade, FDI inflows from China into Côte dʼIvoire have …

Understanding the Ivorian market vegetables production: Is the agroecological transition the right strategy?

M Dosso, J Nandjui, A Avadí - Agricultural Systems, 2024 - Elsevier
CONTEXT African agriculture, and especially market vegetables production, which is
dominated by smallholder systems, generally faces many challenges. There is growing …

New entrepreneurial narratives in urban West Africa: Case studies of five innovation hubs and communities

M Dosso, F Braoulé Méïté, G Ametepe… - … , and innovation policy in …, 2021 - Springer
Youth-led innovation communities and networks are resha** Western Africa's technology
and entrepreneurial ecosystems in major African cities such as Abidjan, Accra, Bamako …

[PDF][PDF] Agricultural productions and its implications on economic growth in ivory coast: the use of the econometric approach

KK Paul-Alfred - Applied Economics and Finance, 2020 -
The objective of this article is to assess the effect of the agricultural sector on the economic
growth in Ivory Coast. The data used are those of the World Bank and cover the period from …

[PDF][PDF] Effet de la farine d'épluchures de manioc sur les performances zootechniques et économiques du poulet de chair au démarrage en Côte d'Ivoire

KE KOUADIO, K Kreman, KL BAMBA… - Journal of Animal & …, 2019 -
Une étude a été réalisée pour évaluer l'effet de la farine d'épluchures de manioc incorporée
dans l'aliment sur les performances zootechniques et économiques du poulet de chair en …

[PDF][PDF] Analyse fonctionnelle de la filière maraîchère périurbaine en Côte d'Ivoire (2021-2022). Rapport du WP2-Diagnostique et évaluation du projet MARIGO

M Dosso, A Koffi, I Glou Bi, A Traoré, A Avadi - 2023 -
Le maraîchage tire son nom du mot «marais» parce que les premières cultures légumières
étaient réalisées en zone de marais, bénéficiant d'un approvisionnement régulier en eau qui …

Impact of Glyphosate and 2, 4-D used in agriculture on the quality of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Lacépède, 1803) from the Sassandra River in Guessabo (Côte D' …

GJM Djédjé, KGK Kpan, DAC Yapi… - World Journal of …, 2022 -
The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of glyphosate and 2, 4-D contamination
in the water, sediments, organs (gills, liver and muscles) of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus and …

[PDF][PDF] Effects of FDI on the Growth of Agricultural Sector in Côte d'Ivoire: An Empirical Analysis Based on Toda-Yamamoto Causality Tests and ARDL Cointegration

JB Tiemele, K Djakaridja, BGJJ Iritie - Journal of Sustainable …, 2024 -
This paper analyses the contribution of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to agricultural growth
in Côte d'Ivoire over the period 1980-2021. The data come from World Development …