Understanding cognitive load in digital and online learning: A new perspective on extraneous cognitive load
Cognitive load theory has been a major influence for the field of educational psychology.
One of the main guidelines of the theory is that extraneous cognitive load should be reduced …
One of the main guidelines of the theory is that extraneous cognitive load should be reduced …
[HTML][HTML] A narrative review of methods used to examine digital gaming impacts on learning and cognition during middle childhood
Middle childhood remains a privileged albeit understudied developmental period in studies
examining child–computer interactions, particularly as it pertains to digital game play. Middle …
examining child–computer interactions, particularly as it pertains to digital game play. Middle …
Examining the relationships between students' perceptions of technology, pedagogy, and cognition: the case of immersive virtual reality mini games to foster …
Researchers are increasingly exploring educational games in immersive virtual reality (IVR)
environments to facilitate students' learning experiences. Mainly, the effect of IVR on …
environments to facilitate students' learning experiences. Mainly, the effect of IVR on …
Opening the black box of gameful experience: Implications for gamification process design
Gamification is attracting the attention of practitioners and researchers because of its power
to generate experiential value for users. However, despite its wide adoption by managers …
to generate experiential value for users. However, despite its wide adoption by managers …
Encouraging gameful experience in digital game-based learning: A double-mediation model of perceived instructional support, group engagement, and flow
In the current digitalization era, digital game-based learning (DGBL) is used in education to
engage and motivate students. Gameful experience (GE) is a crucial precondition to …
engage and motivate students. Gameful experience (GE) is a crucial precondition to …
Immersive virtual reality as a tool to improve bridge teaching communication
The objective of bridge teaching is to provide students with knowledge of bridge construction
and lay a solid foundation for further in-depth study and work practice. However, the current …
and lay a solid foundation for further in-depth study and work practice. However, the current …
Perceptions of the use of virtual reality games for chemical engineering education and professional training
Virtual Reality (VR) games and simulations are increasingly being used to provide highly
interactive, engaging and contextual learning experiences for learners in otherwise risk …
interactive, engaging and contextual learning experiences for learners in otherwise risk …
Impact of rewards on cognitive game performance: Competition with peers increases enjoyment in easy, but not difficult tasks
Gamification has been widely used in non-gaming contexts to motivate participants to
actively engage in tasks. However, game difficulty can alter the efficacy of different …
actively engage in tasks. However, game difficulty can alter the efficacy of different …
Associations between effectiveness of blended learning, student engagement, student learning outcomes, and student academic motivation in higher education
X Han - Education and Information Technologies, 2024 - Springer
Blended learning has gained significant popularity; however, there were few empirical
studies on students' perceptions of blended course adaption and blended learning …
studies on students' perceptions of blended course adaption and blended learning …
Assessment of Digital Games in Technology Education.
The paper contributes to solving the issue of digital games in education. It explains concepts
such as gamification and Digital Game-Based Learning; it focuses on the typology of games …
such as gamification and Digital Game-Based Learning; it focuses on the typology of games …