Cerebellar stimulation in schizophrenia: a systematic review of the evidence and an overview of the methods
Background Cerebellar structural and functional abnormalities underlie widespread deficits
in clinical, cognitive, and motor functioning that are observed in schizophrenia …
in clinical, cognitive, and motor functioning that are observed in schizophrenia …
Interactive roles of the cerebellum and striatum in sub-second and supra-second timing: Support for an initiation, continuation, adjustment, and termination (ICAT) …
The contributions of cortico-cerebellar and cortico-striatal circuits to timing and time
perception have often been a point of contention. In this review we propose that the …
perception have often been a point of contention. In this review we propose that the …
CerebelluMorphic: large-scale neuromorphic model and architecture for supervised motor learning
S Yang, J Wang, N Zhang, B Deng… - … on Neural Networks …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The cerebellum plays a vital role in motor learning and control with supervised learning
capability, while neuromorphic engineering devises diverse approaches to high …
capability, while neuromorphic engineering devises diverse approaches to high …
[KNYGA][B] Encyclopedia of computational neuroscience
Introduction Studies of categorical decision-making attempt to understand behavior by
probing how different features of complex and changing environments guide the selection of …
probing how different features of complex and changing environments guide the selection of …
Cerebellar neurodynamics predict decision timing and outcome on the single-trial level
Goal-directed behavior requires the interaction of multiple brain regions. How these regions
and their interactions with brain-wide activity drive action selection is less understood. We …
and their interactions with brain-wide activity drive action selection is less understood. We …
Cerebellum and social abilities: A structural and functional connectivity study in a transdiagnostic sample
The cerebellum has been involved in social abilities and autism. Given that the cerebellum
is connected to the cortex via the cerebello‐thalamo‐cortical loop, the connectivity between …
is connected to the cortex via the cerebello‐thalamo‐cortical loop, the connectivity between …
Genetic variants in Alzheimer disease—molecular and brain network approaches
Genetic studies in late-onset Alzheimer disease (LOAD) are aimed at identifying core
disease mechanisms and providing potential biomarkers and drug candidates to improve …
disease mechanisms and providing potential biomarkers and drug candidates to improve …
Cerebellar volume in schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder with and without psychotic features
Objective There is growing evidence that cerebellum plays a crucial role in cognition and
emotional regulation. Cerebellum is likely to be involved in the physiopathology of both …
emotional regulation. Cerebellum is likely to be involved in the physiopathology of both …
Cerebellar atypicalities in autism?
Background The cerebellum contains more than 50% of the brain's neurons and is involved
in social cognition. Cerebellar anatomical atypicalities have repeatedly been reported in …
in social cognition. Cerebellar anatomical atypicalities have repeatedly been reported in …
On robot compliance: A cerebellar control approach
The work presented here is a novel biological approach for the compliant control of a robotic
arm in real time (RT). We integrate a spiking cerebellar network at the core of a feedback …
arm in real time (RT). We integrate a spiking cerebellar network at the core of a feedback …