Brain mechanisms underlying singing
In outlining the brain mechanisms underlying singing, this chapter first overviews
organization of the brain, situating the complex sensorimotor feedback system associated …
organization of the brain, situating the complex sensorimotor feedback system associated …
Research on music-based interventions for aphasia: a sco** review
A Ree, C Denmon, EO Tibus, A Mayes, M Weatherill… - Aphasiology, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
Background Over the past decade, the field of music neuroscience has surged in its
examination of the efficacy of music rehabilitation. A growing area of interest within this …
examination of the efficacy of music rehabilitation. A growing area of interest within this …
The role of an inpatient aphasia‐friendly choir for people with post‐stroke communication impairment from the perspective of the multidisciplinary team: An exploratory …
Background There is a growing body of evidence showing the value of community singing‐
based rehabilitation on psychosocial well‐being and communication for people with post …
based rehabilitation on psychosocial well‐being and communication for people with post …
[كتاب][B] The Routledge companion to interdisciplinary studies in singing, volume i: Development
The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume I: Development
introduces the many voices necessary to better understand the act of singing—a complex …
introduces the many voices necessary to better understand the act of singing—a complex …
[كتاب][B] Transformed States: Medicine, Biotechnology, and American Culture, 1990–2020
M Halliwell - 2024 -
Transformed States offers a timely history of the politics, ethics, medical applications, and
cultural representations of the biotechnological revolution, from the Human Genome Project …
cultural representations of the biotechnological revolution, from the Human Genome Project …
Leading choirs and singing groups for adults living with neurogenic communication difficulties: Semi-structured interviews with current and potential facilitators in New …
Community singing offers an enjoyable form of social engagement and has also been
applied in therapeutic contexts for people with a range of health needs. Internationally and …
applied in therapeutic contexts for people with a range of health needs. Internationally and …
Music Listening in Rehabilitation and Special Education
Music listening can be used to develop a range of physical, cognitive and speech skills in
rehabilitation, early intervention and special education. In this chapter we focus on walking …
rehabilitation, early intervention and special education. In this chapter we focus on walking …
Music: For a sustainable community and the promotion of well-being
This contribution aims to offer food for thought on the ancestral role of music for mankind,
considering its potential, transversal to different areas of interest, including psycho …
considering its potential, transversal to different areas of interest, including psycho …
Effects of familiar music exposure on deliberate retrieval of remote episodic and semantic memories in healthy aging adults
Familiar music facilitates memory retrieval in adults with dementia. However, mechanisms
behind this effect, and its generality, are unclear because of a lack of parallel work in healthy …
behind this effect, and its generality, are unclear because of a lack of parallel work in healthy …
[PDF][PDF] Hudební podněty s uměle zakomponovanou fyziologickou komplexitou zaměřená na specifické rehabilitační strategie pro pacienty s demencí
L DOHNALOVÁ - 2021 -
Ráda bych touto cestou poděkovala svému školiteli prof. PaedDr. Jiřímu Luskovi, CSc., a to
nejen za odborné vedení této dizertační práce, ale především za dlouhodobou podporu …
nejen za odborné vedení této dizertační práce, ale především za dlouhodobou podporu …