Printed educational materials: effects on professional practice and healthcare outcomes

A Giguère, HTV Zomahoun… - Cochrane Database …, 2020 -
Background Printed educational materials are widely used dissemination strategies to
improve the quality of healthcare professionals' practice and patient health outcomes …

Readability of patient education materials in ophthalmology: a single-institution study and systematic review

AM Williams, KW Muir, JA Rosdahl - BMC ophthalmology, 2016 - Springer
Background Patient education materials should be written at a level that is understandable
for patients with low health literacy. The aims of this study are (1) to review the literature on …

What motivates physicians to share free health information on online health platforms?

X Zhang, F Guo, T Xu, Y Li - Information Processing & Management, 2020 - Elsevier
Online platforms enable physicians to share health and medical information with the public;
however, little research has been conducted to explore why physicians share free health …

Communication and aging

KM Yorkston, MS Bourgeois… - Physical medicine and …, 2010 -
Interpersonal communication has been described as a critical tool for life adjustment, linking
people to their environment. 1 When communication disorders are present these links can …

Development and validation of an educational booklet for healthy eating during pregnancy

SC Oliveira, MVO Lopes… - Revista latino-americana …, 2014 - SciELO Brasil
OBJECTIVE: to describe the validation process of an educational booklet for healthy eating
in pregnancy using local and regional food. METHODS: methodological study, developed in …

Aphasia friendly written health information: Content and design characteristics

TA Rose, LE Worrall, LM Hickson… - International journal of …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
People with aphasia need communicatively accessible written health information.
Healthcare providers require knowledge of how to develop printed education materials …

A systematic review of human factors and ergonomics (HFE)-based healthcare system redesign for quality of care and patient safety

A **e, P Carayon - Ergonomics, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Healthcare systems need to be redesigned to provide care that is safe, effective and
efficient, and meets the multiple needs of patients. This systematic review examines how …

Primeiros socorros na escola: construção e validação de cartilha educativa para professores

NM Galindo, JÁ Caetano, LM Barros… - Acta Paulista de …, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
Objetivo Construir e validar uma cartilha educativa para professores da educação infantil e
ensino fundamental I sobre primeiros socorros na escola. Métodos Estudo metodológico …

Sağlık kurumlarına başvuran hastaların sağlık okuryazarlığının ve kullanılan eğitim materyallerinin sağlık okuryazarlığına uygunluğunun değerlendirilmesi

Z Uğurlu, HS Akgün - Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019 -
Amaç: Araştırma, bir vakıf üniversitesi ve bir devlet hastanesine başvuran hastaların sağlık
okuryazarlığının ve kullanılan eğitim materyallerinin sağlık okuryazarlığına uygunluğunun …

Low literacy and written drug information: information-seeking, leaflet evaluation and preferences, and roles for images

MM van Beusekom, P Grootens-Wiegers… - International journal of …, 2016 - Springer
Background Low-literate patients are at risk to misinterpret written drug information. For the
(co-) design of targeted patient information, it is key to involve this group in determining their …