The Elbe Palaeovalley: Evolution from an ice-marginal valley to a sedimentary trap (SE North Sea)
Abstract The southeastern North Sea was a sub-aerially exposed periglacial environment
during the late Weichselian. At that time, the approximately 210 km long and 40 km wide SE …
during the late Weichselian. At that time, the approximately 210 km long and 40 km wide SE …
Hydroacoustic map** of geogenic hard substrates: Challenges and review of German approaches
Subtidal hard substrate habitats are unique habitats in the marine environment. They
provide crucial ecosystem services that are socially relevant, such as water clearance or as …
provide crucial ecosystem services that are socially relevant, such as water clearance or as …
Benefits and shortcomings of non-destructive benthic imagery for monitoring hard-bottom habitats
K Beisiegel, A Darr, M Gogina, ML Zettler - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017 - Elsevier
Hard-bottom habitats with complex topography and fragile epibenthic communities are still
not adequately considered in benthic monitoring programs, despite their potential ecological …
not adequately considered in benthic monitoring programs, despite their potential ecological …
Circular structures on the seabed: Differentiating between natural and anthropogenic origins—Examples from the Southwestern Baltic Sea
GA Díaz-Mendoza, K Krämer, GA von Rönn… - Frontiers in Earth …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Hydroacoustic observations of shallow marine environments reveal a variety of seafloor
structures–both of natural and anthropogenic origin. Natural processes can result in features …
structures–both of natural and anthropogenic origin. Natural processes can result in features …
[HTML][HTML] Habitats and Biotopes in the German Baltic Sea
D Marx, A Feldens, S Papenmeier, P Feldens, A Darr… - Biology, 2023 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary This study provides full-coverage maps of the habitats and biotopes in the
German Baltic Sea at an unprecedented level of resolution. We combined geological and …
German Baltic Sea at an unprecedented level of resolution. We combined geological and …
[HTML][HTML] Identifying trawl marks in north sea sediments
I Bruns, P Holler, RM Capperucci, S Papenmeier… - Geosciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
The anthropogenic impact in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is high due to the
presence of manifold industries (eg, wind farms, ship**, and fishery). Therefore, it is of …
presence of manifold industries (eg, wind farms, ship**, and fishery). Therefore, it is of …
[HTML][HTML] Epibenthic assemblages of hard-substrate habitats in the German Bight (south-eastern North Sea) described using drift videos
Globally, marine subtidal hard-substrate habitats provide important ecological functions to a
variety of sessile and mobile taxa. The southern North Sea is a marine environment with …
variety of sessile and mobile taxa. The southern North Sea is a marine environment with …
Revisiting the paleo Elbe Valley: Reconstruction of the Holocene, sedimentary development on basis of high-resolution grain size data and shallow seismics
S Papenmeier, HC Hass - Geosciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
The Paleo Elbe Valley is the most prominent subsurface structure in the southern North Sea.
During the Weichselian (marine isotope stage (MIS) 2), the valley traversed the exposed sea …
During the Weichselian (marine isotope stage (MIS) 2), the valley traversed the exposed sea …
[HTML][HTML] Super resolution by deep learning improves boulder detection in side scan sonar backscatter mosaics
P Feldens - Remote Sensing, 2020 - mdpi.com
In marine habitat map**, a demand exists for high-resolution maps of the seafloor both for
marine spatial planning and research. One topic of interest is the detection of boulders in …
marine spatial planning and research. One topic of interest is the detection of boulders in …
[HTML][HTML] Detection of stones in marine habitats combining simultaneous hydroacoustic surveys
S Papenmeier, HC Hass - Geosciences, 2018 - mdpi.com
Exposed stones in sandy sublittoral environments are hotspots for marine biodiversity,
especially for benthic communities. The detection of single stones is principally possible …
especially for benthic communities. The detection of single stones is principally possible …