Natural additives and biopolymers for raw earth construction stabilization–a review
The importance of earthen construction materials lies in their widespread availability
combined with a low embodied energy. Chemical stabilizers are commonly used to improve …
combined with a low embodied energy. Chemical stabilizers are commonly used to improve …
State-of-the-art review of biocementation by microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) for soil stabilization
Biocementation is a recently developed new branch in geotechnical engineering that deals
with the application of microbiological activity to improve the engineering properties of soils …
with the application of microbiological activity to improve the engineering properties of soils …
Life cycle analysis of environmental impact vs. durability of stabilised rammed earth
Rammed earth (RE) has enjoyed a revival in recent decades due to the increasing
awareness of environmental issues surrounding the building industry. Although RE in its …
awareness of environmental issues surrounding the building industry. Although RE in its …
Strength, durability, and microstructure of geopolymers based on recycled-glass powder waste and dolomitic lime for soil stabilization
Glass waste in soil stabilization is a promising use as a precursor of forming geopolymers
and avoid its discard in landfills as well as decreasing the consumption of traditional binders …
and avoid its discard in landfills as well as decreasing the consumption of traditional binders …
The effects of stabilizers on the thermal and the mechanical properties of rammed earth at various humidities and their environmental impacts
The overall behavior of rammed earth (RE) as a low embodied energy construction method
can be enhanced by using stabilizers. Several studies have been performed on cement and …
can be enhanced by using stabilizers. Several studies have been performed on cement and …
Engineering characteristics of compressed earth blocks stabilized with cement and fly ash
Fly ash is a common industrial waste that requires a proper disposal which otherwise will
have a detrimental effect on the environment. As such, utilization of fly ash in producing …
have a detrimental effect on the environment. As such, utilization of fly ash in producing …
The mechanical and physical properties of compressed earth block stabilized with lime and filled with untreated and alkali-treated date palm fibers
Most develo** countries have an urgent need to construct and build houses that are more
durable at a low cost. The compressed earth block (CEB) has been identified as a low-cost …
durable at a low cost. The compressed earth block (CEB) has been identified as a low-cost …
Impact of relative humidity on the mechanical behavior of compacted earth as a building material
Earthen buildings can provide an answer to face difficulties in modern constructions in both
terms of sociology, economics as well as ecology. However, the difficulty to understand and …
terms of sociology, economics as well as ecology. However, the difficulty to understand and …
Mechanical characterization of lime-stabilized rammed earth: Lime content and strength development
Earth construction techniques, such as rammed earth, are present worldwide due to the
availability of the material and its mechanical performance. Today they are also attracting …
availability of the material and its mechanical performance. Today they are also attracting …
Reinforcing rammed earth with plant fibers: A case study
This paper is about an experimental study on the mechanical behavior of rammed earth
under compression and indirect tensile stresses. Local raw earth and sand are the base …
under compression and indirect tensile stresses. Local raw earth and sand are the base …