Higher-order thinking skills in primary school
One curriculum policy in countries, including Indonesia, is to provide students with higher-
order thinking skills (HOTS) to meet the challenges of the 21st century, and success in doing …
order thinking skills (HOTS) to meet the challenges of the 21st century, and success in doing …
Teacher professional identity and the nature of technology integration
Professional identity shapes teachers' sense making of how to understand and behave in
their teaching work, and thus may play a significant role in determining how teachers …
their teaching work, and thus may play a significant role in determining how teachers …
[HTML][HTML] Four reasons for becoming a teacher educator: A large-scale study on teacher educators' motives and well-being
We developed a new survey instrument to investigate teacher educators' motives for
entering the profession and examined the associations between motives and job satisfaction …
entering the profession and examined the associations between motives and job satisfaction …
Implementation of the virtual learning models during the covid-19 pandemic: Students' perspectives and its lessons
S Naim, S Mokodenseho - Jurnal Kependidikan: Jurnal …, 2022 - e-journal.undikma.ac.id
This study aims at analyzing the existence of the implementation of the virtual learning
models during the Covid-19 pandemic to encourage, explore, and evaluate effective online …
models during the Covid-19 pandemic to encourage, explore, and evaluate effective online …
Autoimagen, autoconcepto y autoestima, perspectivas emocionales para el contexto escolar
REB Bonilla, NYS Salcedo - Educación y Ciencia, 2021 - revistas.uptc.edu.co
El artículo aborda algunos aspectos del ámbito intrapersonal en el contexto escolar, para
ello, se plantean tres apartados: Inteligencia Emocional [IE] en el contexto escolar, en el que …
ello, se plantean tres apartados: Inteligencia Emocional [IE] en el contexto escolar, en el que …
The development of the relationship between professional identity tensions and teacher identity: A quantitative longitudinal study among Dutch primary student …
F Hanna, R Oostdam, SE Severiens… - Studies in Educational …, 2022 - Elsevier
This longitudinal study investigated reciprocal associations among various professional
identity tensions and Dutch primary student teachers' teacher identity. Students (N= 201 …
identity tensions and Dutch primary student teachers' teacher identity. Students (N= 201 …
Understanding influences on entrepreneurship educator role identity
Purpose Despite the considerable increase in research on entrepreneurship education, few
studies examine the role of entrepreneurship educators. Similarly, most frameworks from …
studies examine the role of entrepreneurship educators. Similarly, most frameworks from …
Research on teacher educators' teacher identities: critical interpretative synthesis and future directions
Research has suggested that teacher educators' profession and the process of identity
formation are poorly understood. Moreover, attempts to clarify the terminology are rare …
formation are poorly understood. Moreover, attempts to clarify the terminology are rare …
Preservice teachers' teaching internship affects professional identity: Self-efficacy and learning engagement as mediators
Z Cai, J Zhu, S Tian - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Preservice teachers' professional identity is a critical factor in their motivation, effectiveness,
and retention. Teaching internship can promote the transformation of professional identity …
and retention. Teaching internship can promote the transformation of professional identity …
[HTML][HTML] Perfil del formador de formadores: una revisión sistemática de literatura
L Castro-Durán, G Fonseca-Grandón… - Educación y …, 2022 - scielo.org.co
La profesionalización de la docencia universitaria ha implicado amplios esfuerzos de los
sistemas educativos y las propias instituciones de educación superior para desarrollar …
sistemas educativos y las propias instituciones de educación superior para desarrollar …