Expanding theory of tourists' destination loyalty: The role of sensory impressions

X Lv, S McCabe - Tourism management, 2020 - Elsevier
What shapes tourist's attitudes towards destinations most, abstract destination image or
concrete sensory impressions? This exploratory research investigates the unique role …

Role of smart technology use behaviour in enhancing tourist revisit intention: the theory of planned behaviour perspective

K Zheng, J Kumar, P Kunasekaran… - European Journal of …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This study examines the influencing factors of smart technology use behaviour
(STUB), influencing tourist satisfaction and enhancing revisit intention for the Chinese …

Role of restorative natural environments in predicting hikers' pro-environmental behavior in a nature trail context

S Choi, I Kim - Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Given environmental contribution of individuals' behavioral change, this study explored how
hikers' pro-environmental behavior can be facilitated. The theoretical model incorporated the …

Advancing tourism recovery through virtual tourism marketing: an integrated approach of uses and gratifications theory and attachment to VR

L Geng, Y Li, Y Zhang, Z Jiang, Y Xue - Current Issues in Tourism, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Although virtual tourism (VT) has been touted as an effective alternative or transitional
solution to tourism, few researches have been conducted on how to maintain and enhance …

[HTML][HTML] “Sensing” the destination: Development of the destination sensescape index

D Buzova, S Sanz-Blas, A Cervera-Taulet - Tourism Management, 2021 - Elsevier
Despite the increasing academic interest in the sensory dimension of the tourist experience,
the quantitative empirical research in the field is limited by a lack of measurement …

The role of natural soundscape in nature-based tourism experience: An extension of the stimulus–organism–response model

J Jiang - Current Issues in Tourism, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper echoes the call for multisensory tourism research from the perspective of auditory
sensory experience. Based on an extended stimulus–organism–response (SOR) model, the …

Urban sensory map: How do tourists “sense” a destination spatially?

H Li, M Li, H Zou, Y Zhang, J Cao - Tourism Management, 2023 - Elsevier
Tourism sensory experiences represent a spatially constrained and constructed process
influenced by various environmental stimuli. Although growing academic attention has been …

Smart tourism technologies, revisit intention, and word-of-mouth in emerging and smart rural destinations

ZA Torabi, M Pourtaheri, CM Hall, A Sharifi, F Javidi - Sustainability, 2023 - mdpi.com
This study examines the influence of the various attributes of smart tourism technologies
(STTs) on tourists' intentions to revisit locations and engage in word-of-mouth (WOM) …

[HTML][HTML] Halal-friendly attributes and Muslims' visit intention: Exploring the roles of perceived value and destination trust

A Sodawan, RLW Hsu - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Halal tourism is pushed by the growth of the Muslim population worldwide. This present
study aimed to examine the association between constructs of halal-friendly attributes …

Being there: How sensory impressions influence tourists' pro-environmental behaviors

B Luo, Y Bai, M Zhang - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2024 - Elsevier
The significance of the sensory aspect in the tourism experience process for fostering pro-
environmental behaviors (PEBs) among tourists at the destination is well-acknowledged …