ZnO nanostructures–Future frontiers in photocatalysis, solar cells, sensing, supercapacitor, fingerprint technologies, toxicity, and clinical diagnostics
Zinc is the most abundant and broadly studied metal oxide semiconductor. Its photophysical
properties include optical, electrical, magnetic, catalytic, sensing, energy storage …
properties include optical, electrical, magnetic, catalytic, sensing, energy storage …
Recent advances in ZnO nanostructure-based electrochemical sensors and biosensors
Nanostructured metal oxides, such as zinc oxide (ZnO), are considered as excellent
materials for the fabrication of highly sensitive and selective electrochemical sensors and …
materials for the fabrication of highly sensitive and selective electrochemical sensors and …
Recent advances in ZnO nanostructures and thin films for biosensor applications
Biosensors have shown great potential for health care and environmental monitoring. The
performance of biosensors depends on their components, among which the matrix material …
performance of biosensors depends on their components, among which the matrix material …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive review of glucose biosensors based on nanostructured metal-oxides
Nanotechnology has opened new and exhilarating opportunities for exploring glucose
biosensing applications of the newly prepared nanostructured materials. Nanostructured …
biosensing applications of the newly prepared nanostructured materials. Nanostructured …
Tailored ZnO nanostructures for efficient sensing of toxic metallic ions of drainage systems
Disposed wastes contain toxic heavy metal ions and hazardous chemicals, which eventually
become the part of human cycle (via contaminating water and food) and intensifying …
become the part of human cycle (via contaminating water and food) and intensifying …
Nanostructured metal oxide-based biosensors
Nanostructured metal oxides (NMOs) have recently become important as materials that
provide an effective surface for biomolecule immobilization with desired orientation, better …
provide an effective surface for biomolecule immobilization with desired orientation, better …
Recent advances in photoelectrochemical sensors for detection of ions in water
Over the last 50 years, the explosive adoption of modern agricultural practices has led to an
enormous increase in the emission of non-biodegradable and highly biotoxic ions into the …
enormous increase in the emission of non-biodegradable and highly biotoxic ions into the …
Chemical and biological sensors based on metal oxide nanostructures
Unique and fascinating features of metal oxide nanostructures (MONs) have attracted
considerable attention in recent years because without much effort, the MONs can be grown …
considerable attention in recent years because without much effort, the MONs can be grown …
Single cell “glucose nanosensor” verifies elevated glucose levels in individual cancer cells
Because the transition from oxidative phosphorylation to anaerobic glycolytic metabolism is
a hallmark of cancer progression, approaches to identify single living cancer cells by their …
a hallmark of cancer progression, approaches to identify single living cancer cells by their …
Assembly of one dimensional inorganic nanostructures into functional 2D and 3D architectures. Synthesis, arrangement and functionality
RK Joshi, JJ Schneider - Chemical Society Reviews, 2012 - pubs.rsc.org
This review will focus on the synthesis, arrangement, structural assembly, for current and
future applications, of 1D nanomaterials (tubes, wires, rods) in 2D and 3D ordered …
future applications, of 1D nanomaterials (tubes, wires, rods) in 2D and 3D ordered …