Sea level and shoreline reconstructions for the Red Sea: isostatic and tectonic considerations and implications for hominin migration out of Africa
K Lambeck, A Purcell, NC Flemming… - Quaternary Science …, 2011 - Elsevier
The history of sea level within the Red Sea basin im**es on several areas of research. For
archaeology and prehistory, past sea levels of the southern sector define possible pathways …
archaeology and prehistory, past sea levels of the southern sector define possible pathways …
The chronology of the human colonization of the Canary Islands
The human colonization of the Canary Islands represents the sole known expansion of
Berber communities into the Atlantic Ocean and is an example of marine dispersal carried …
Berber communities into the Atlantic Ocean and is an example of marine dispersal carried …
Crossing the maelstrom: new departures in Viking archaeology
J Lund, SM Sindbæk - Journal of archaeological research, 2022 - Springer
This paper reviews the achievements and challenges of archaeological research on Viking
Age northern Europe and explores potential avenues for future research. We identify the …
Age northern Europe and explores potential avenues for future research. We identify the …
Modeling the role of voyaging in the coastal spread of the Early Neolithic in the West Mediterranean
The earliest dates for the West Mediterranean Neolithic indicate that it expanded across
2,500 km in about 300 y. Such a fast spread is held to be mainly due to a demic process …
2,500 km in about 300 y. Such a fast spread is held to be mainly due to a demic process …
Ancient biological invasions and island ecosystems: tracking translocations of wild plants and animals
Biological invasions are one of the great threats to Earth's ecosystems and biodiversity in the
Anthropocene. However, species introductions and invasions extend deep into the human …
Anthropocene. However, species introductions and invasions extend deep into the human …
Pleistocene Water Crossings and Adaptive Flexibility Within the Homo Genus
D Gaffney - Journal of Archaeological Research, 2021 - Springer
Pleistocene water crossings, long thought to be an innovation of Homo sapiens, may extend
beyond our species to encompass Middle and Early Pleistocene Homo. However, it remains …
beyond our species to encompass Middle and Early Pleistocene Homo. However, it remains …
Archeology, deep history, and the human transformation of island ecosystems
Island ecosystems and peoples face uncertain futures in the wake of predicted climate
change, sea level rise, and habitat alteration in the decades and centuries to come …
change, sea level rise, and habitat alteration in the decades and centuries to come …
Aquaculture in the ancient world: Ecosystem engineering, domesticated landscapes, and the first Blue Revolution
AJ Rogers - Journal of Archaeological Research, 2024 - Springer
Aquaculture is the world's fastest growing food sector and accounts for more than 50% of the
world's fish food supply. The significant growth in global aquaculture since the middle of the …
world's fish food supply. The significant growth in global aquaculture since the middle of the …
Modeling distance with time in ancient Mediterranean seafaring: a GIS application for the interpretation of maritime connectivity
J Leidwanger - Journal of archaeological science, 2013 - Elsevier
Investigations of Mediterranean connectivity have increasingly turned toward maritime
landscape models to frame questions of seaborne exploration, marine resource exploitation …
landscape models to frame questions of seaborne exploration, marine resource exploitation …
Ancient DNA reveals the chronology of walrus ivory trade from Norse Greenland
The importance of the Atlantic walrus ivory trade for the colonization, peak, and collapse of
the medieval Norse colonies on Greenland has been extensively debated. Nevertheless, no …
the medieval Norse colonies on Greenland has been extensively debated. Nevertheless, no …