Speech sound acquisition, coarticulation, and rate effects in a neural network model of speech production.

FH Guenther - Psychological review, 1995 - psycnet.apa.org
This article describes a neural network model of speech motor skill acquisition and speech
production that explains a wide range of data on variability, motor equivalence …

Precursors to speech in infancy: The prediction of speech and language disorders

DK Oller, RE Eilers, AR Neal, HK Schwartz - Journal of communication …, 1999 - Elsevier
During the canonical stage of infant babbling, infants produce well-formed syllables, often in
reduplicated sequences such as “bababa.” Although nearly all infants with normal hearing …

[KNJIGA][B] Cognitive development and cognitive neuroscience: The learning brain

U Goswami - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience: The Learning Brain is a thoroughly
revised edition of the bestselling Cognitive Development. The new edition of this full-colour …

[KNJIGA][B] Bilingual first language acquisition

A De Houwer - 2009 - books.google.com
Increasingly, children grow up hearing two languages from birth. This comprehensive
textbook explains how children learn to understand and speak those languages. It brings …

[KNJIGA][B] Encountering the world: Toward an ecological psychology

ES Reed - 1996 - books.google.com
Encountering the World reorients modern psychology by finding a viable middle ground
between the study of nerve cells and cultural analysis. The emerging field of ecological …

[KNJIGA][B] Language development

E Hoff - 2001 - psycnet.apa.org
The central focus of this text is language development as a field of basic research, but
applied issues are also considered. Chapter 1 provides an overview and history of the field …

[KNJIGA][B] Hearing in children

JL Northern, MP Downs - 2002 - books.google.com
This totally revised edition is a thoroughly referenced and an exhaustive description of the
current state of knowledge on hearing and auditory disorders in infants, toddlers and young …

[KNJIGA][B] The emergence of the speech capacity

DK Oller - 2000 - taylorfrancis.com
Recent studies of vocal development in infants have shed new light on old questions of how
the speech capacity is founded and how it may have evolved in the human species …

[KNJIGA][B] Language acquisition: The growth of grammar

MT Guasti - 2017 - books.google.com
The new edition of a comprehensive introduction to a rapidly develo** field, combining
developmental data with theory. How do children begin to use language? How does …

The bimodal perception of speech in infancy

PK Kuhl, AN Meltzoff - Science, 1982 - science.org
Infants 18 to 20 weeks old recognize the correspondence between auditorially and visually
presented speech sounds, and the spectral information contained in the sounds is critical to …