Glass and jamming transitions: From exact results to finite-dimensional descriptions
Despite decades of work, gaining a first-principles understanding of amorphous materials
remains an extremely challenging problem. However, recent theoretical breakthroughs have …
remains an extremely challenging problem. However, recent theoretical breakthroughs have …
Perspective: The glass transition
We provide here a brief perspective on the glass transition field. It is an assessment, written
from the point of view of theory, of where the field is and where it seems to be heading. We …
from the point of view of theory, of where the field is and where it seems to be heading. We …
Hop** and the Stokes–Einstein relation breakdown in simple glass formers
One of the most actively debated issues in the study of the glass transition is whether a
mean-field description is a reasonable starting point for understanding experimental glass …
mean-field description is a reasonable starting point for understanding experimental glass …
Solution of the dynamics of liquids in the large-dimensional limit
We obtain analytic expressions for the time correlation functions of a liquid of spherical
particles, exact in the limit of high dimensions d. The derivation is long but straightforward: a …
particles, exact in the limit of high dimensions d. The derivation is long but straightforward: a …
Glasses and aging, A statistical mechanics perspective on
We start with a few concise definitions of the most important concepts discussed in this entry.
Glass transition For molecular liquids, the glass transition denotes a crossover from a …
Glass transition For molecular liquids, the glass transition denotes a crossover from a …
The RFOT theory of glasses: Recent progress and open issues
The Random First Order Transition (RFOT) theory started with the pioneering work of
Kirkpatrick, Thirumalai and Wolynes. It leverages methods and advances of the theory of …
Kirkpatrick, Thirumalai and Wolynes. It leverages methods and advances of the theory of …
Shear yielding and shear jamming of dense hard sphere glasses
We investigate the response of dense hard sphere glasses to a shear strain in a wide range
of pressures ranging from the glass transition to the infinite-pressure jamming point. The …
of pressures ranging from the glass transition to the infinite-pressure jamming point. The …
Correlation of local order with particle mobility in supercooled liquids is highly system dependent
We investigate the connection between local structure and dynamical heterogeneity in
supercooled liquids. Through the study of four different models, we show that the correlation …
supercooled liquids. Through the study of four different models, we show that the correlation …
Attractive versus truncated repulsive supercooled liquids: The dynamics is encoded in the pair correlation function
We compare glassy dynamics in two liquids that differ in the form of their interaction
potentials. Both systems have the same repulsive interactions but one has also an attractive …
potentials. Both systems have the same repulsive interactions but one has also an attractive …