[HTML][HTML] The evolution of social play in songbirds, parrots and cockatoos-emotional or highly complex cognitive behaviour or both?
Social play has been described in many animals. However, much of this social behaviour
among birds, particularly in adults, is still relatively unexplored in terms of the environmental …
among birds, particularly in adults, is still relatively unexplored in terms of the environmental …
Hollow futures? Tree decline, lag effects and hollow‐dependent species
Tree hollows are a critical breeding resource for many organisms globally. Where hollow‐
bearing trees are in decline, population limitation can be a serious conservation issue. A …
bearing trees are in decline, population limitation can be a serious conservation issue. A …
A severe predator-induced population decline predicted for endangered, migratory swift parrots (Lathamus discolor)
Identifying the impact of introduced predators on endangered prey populations is critical for
conservation management. Population viability analysis (PVA) becomes a valuable tool for …
conservation management. Population viability analysis (PVA) becomes a valuable tool for …
Compilation and traits of Australian bird species killed by cats
House cats Felis catus have contributed to the extinction of many bird species on islands,
but their impact on continental bird faunas is less well resolved. Here, we compile and …
but their impact on continental bird faunas is less well resolved. Here, we compile and …
The impacts of fire on birds in Australia's tropical savannas
The ecology of Australia's tropical savannas is shaped by the near-pervasive influence of
fire. Constituting∼ 20% of Australia's land area, tropical savannas contribute> 75% of the …
fire. Constituting∼ 20% of Australia's land area, tropical savannas contribute> 75% of the …
Ground-based survey methods both overestimate and underestimate the abundance of suitable tree-cavities for the endangered Swift Parrot
Most cavity-dependent species select tree-cavities with a narrow range of characteristics so
that only a small subset of available cavities may be suitable for any species. Most surveys …
that only a small subset of available cavities may be suitable for any species. Most surveys …
Parrots of Oceania–A comparative study of extinction risk
ABSTRACT Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Wallacea, and the islands of the Pacific
Ocean collectively possess 42% of the world's parrot species, including half of all Critically …
Ocean collectively possess 42% of the world's parrot species, including half of all Critically …
Biodiversity conservation in tropical forest landscapes of Oceania
The fragmented island realm of Oceania includes a relatively small proportion of the world's
tropical forests, but those forests support unusual richness of narrowly endemic species. In …
tropical forests, but those forests support unusual richness of narrowly endemic species. In …
Combined demographic and resource models quantify the effects of potential land-use change on the endangered Carnaby's cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris)
Measuring how land-use changes affect the availability of resources for threatened species
is critical for conservation policy and management. Combining demographic population …
is critical for conservation policy and management. Combining demographic population …
Genomic population structure aligns with vocal dialects in Palm Cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus); evidence for refugial late-Quaternary distribution?
Species persistence and maintenance of genetic diversity are strongly affected by dispersal
and historical distribution, especially when species depend on habitat that is non-uniform or …
and historical distribution, especially when species depend on habitat that is non-uniform or …