Spectroscopy of atoms and molecules in liquid helium

JP Toennies, AF Vilesov - Annual review of physical chemistry, 1998 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Laser ablation of in situ metals has recently made it possible to immerse a large
number of different metal atoms and ions and small clusters of metal atoms in liquid helium …

Helium nanodroplets: An overview

M Barranco, R Guardiola, S Hernández… - Journal of low …, 2006 - Springer
We review the physics of helium nanodroplets with emphasis on theoretical aspects that
have been the subject of recent research, like 3 He and mixed 3 He− 4 He droplets, vortices …

Structure and energetics of mixed He-He drops

M Barranco, M Pi, SM Gatica, ES Hernández, J Navarro - Physical Review B, 1997 - APS
Using a finite-range density functional, we have investigated the energetics and structural
features of mixed helium clusters. The possibility of do** the cluster with a molecule of …

Density of superfluid helium droplets

J Harms, JP Toennies, F Dalfovo - Physical Review B, 1998 - APS
The classical integral cross sections of large superfluid 4 He N droplets and the number of
atoms in the droplets (N= 10 3− 10 4) have been measured in molecular beam scattering …

Electronic spectroscopy in He droplets

F Stienkemeier, AF Vilesov - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2001 - pubs.aip.org
Recent experiments on the electronic spectroscopy of atoms, clusters, and organic
molecules embedded in helium nanodroplets are reviewed. Electronic transitions imply a …

[КНИГА][B] Modern many-particle physics: atomic gases, nanostructures and quantum liquids

E Lipparini - 2008 - books.google.com
This book is devoted to the description of Bosonic and Fermionic systems: metallic clusters;
quantum dots, wires, rings and molecules; trapped Fermi and Bose atoms; liquid drops of …

Freezing of and its liquid-solid interface from density functional theory

F Ancilotto, M Barranco, F Caupin, R Mayol, M Pi - Physical Review B …, 2005 - APS
We show that, at high densities, fully variational solutions of solidlike types can be obtained
from a density functional formalism originally designed for liquid He 4. Motivated by this …

Simulations of the dissociation of small helium clusters with ab initio molecular dynamics in electronically excited states

KD Closser, O Gessner, M Head-Gordon - The Journal of chemical …, 2014 - pubs.aip.org
The dynamics resulting from electronic excitations of helium clusters were explored using ab
initio molecular dynamics. The simulations were performed with configuration interaction …

Helium nanodroplets and trapped Bose-Einstein condensates as prototypes of finite quantum fluids

F Dalfovo, S Stringari - arxiv preprint cond-mat/0107027, 2001 - arxiv.org
Helium nanodroplets and trapped Bose-Einstein condensates in dilute atomic gases offer
complementary views of fundamental aspects of quantum many-body systems. We discuss …

Spectroscopy of Mg atoms solvated in helium nanodroplets

J Reho, U Merker, MR Radcliff, KK Lehmann… - The Journal of …, 2000 - pubs.aip.org
We have measured the laser-induced fluorescence excitation spectra of the 3 1 P 1 0← 3 1
S 0 transition of Mg atoms solvated in helium nanodroplets. The observed blue shifts and …