Spectroscopy of atoms and molecules in liquid helium
▪ Abstract Laser ablation of in situ metals has recently made it possible to immerse a large
number of different metal atoms and ions and small clusters of metal atoms in liquid helium …
number of different metal atoms and ions and small clusters of metal atoms in liquid helium …
Helium nanodroplets: An overview
M Barranco, R Guardiola, S Hernández… - Journal of low …, 2006 - Springer
We review the physics of helium nanodroplets with emphasis on theoretical aspects that
have been the subject of recent research, like 3 He and mixed 3 He− 4 He droplets, vortices …
have been the subject of recent research, like 3 He and mixed 3 He− 4 He droplets, vortices …
Structure and energetics of mixed He-He drops
M Barranco, M Pi, SM Gatica, ES Hernández, J Navarro - Physical Review B, 1997 - APS
Using a finite-range density functional, we have investigated the energetics and structural
features of mixed helium clusters. The possibility of do** the cluster with a molecule of …
features of mixed helium clusters. The possibility of do** the cluster with a molecule of …
Density of superfluid helium droplets
The classical integral cross sections of large superfluid 4 He N droplets and the number of
atoms in the droplets (N= 10 3− 10 4) have been measured in molecular beam scattering …
atoms in the droplets (N= 10 3− 10 4) have been measured in molecular beam scattering …
Electronic spectroscopy in He droplets
Recent experiments on the electronic spectroscopy of atoms, clusters, and organic
molecules embedded in helium nanodroplets are reviewed. Electronic transitions imply a …
molecules embedded in helium nanodroplets are reviewed. Electronic transitions imply a …
[КНИГА][B] Modern many-particle physics: atomic gases, nanostructures and quantum liquids
E Lipparini - 2008 - books.google.com
This book is devoted to the description of Bosonic and Fermionic systems: metallic clusters;
quantum dots, wires, rings and molecules; trapped Fermi and Bose atoms; liquid drops of …
quantum dots, wires, rings and molecules; trapped Fermi and Bose atoms; liquid drops of …
Freezing of and its liquid-solid interface from density functional theory
We show that, at high densities, fully variational solutions of solidlike types can be obtained
from a density functional formalism originally designed for liquid He 4. Motivated by this …
from a density functional formalism originally designed for liquid He 4. Motivated by this …
Simulations of the dissociation of small helium clusters with ab initio molecular dynamics in electronically excited states
The dynamics resulting from electronic excitations of helium clusters were explored using ab
initio molecular dynamics. The simulations were performed with configuration interaction …
initio molecular dynamics. The simulations were performed with configuration interaction …
Helium nanodroplets and trapped Bose-Einstein condensates as prototypes of finite quantum fluids
Helium nanodroplets and trapped Bose-Einstein condensates in dilute atomic gases offer
complementary views of fundamental aspects of quantum many-body systems. We discuss …
complementary views of fundamental aspects of quantum many-body systems. We discuss …
Spectroscopy of Mg atoms solvated in helium nanodroplets
J Reho, U Merker, MR Radcliff, KK Lehmann… - The Journal of …, 2000 - pubs.aip.org
We have measured the laser-induced fluorescence excitation spectra of the 3 1 P 1 0← 3 1
S 0 transition of Mg atoms solvated in helium nanodroplets. The observed blue shifts and …
S 0 transition of Mg atoms solvated in helium nanodroplets. The observed blue shifts and …