Anomalous elasticity and plastic screening in amorphous solids

A Lemaître, C Mondal, M Moshe, I Procaccia, S Roy… - Physical Review E, 2021 - APS
Amorphous solids appear to react elastically to small external strains, but in contrast to ideal
elastic media, plastic responses abound immediately at any value of the strain. Such plastic …

Inertial active matter with Coulomb friction

AP Antonov, L Caprini, A Ldov, C Scholz, H Löwen - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
Friction is central to the motion of active (self-propelled) objects such as bacteria, animals,
and robots. While in a viscous fluid friction is described by Stokes's law, objects in contact …

Dipole screening in pure shear strain protocols of amorphous solids

C Mondal, M Moshe, I Procaccia, S Roy - Physical Review E, 2023 - APS
When amorphous solids are subjected to simple or pure strain, they exhibit elastic increase
in stress, punctuated by plastic events that become denser (in strain) upon increasing the …

Experimental and numerical verification of anomalous screening theory in granular matter

C Mondal, M Moshe, I Procaccia, S Roy, J Shang… - Chaos, Solitons & …, 2022 - Elsevier
The concept of mechanical screening is widely applied in solid-state systems. Examples
include nucleation of defects in crystalline materials, scars and pleats in curved crystals …

Universal stress correlations in crystalline and amorphous packings

R Maharana, D Das, P Chaudhuri, K Ramola - Physical Review E, 2024 - APS
We present a universal characterization of stress correlations in athermal systems, across
crystalline to amorphous packings. Via numerical analysis of static configurations of particles …

Direct measurement of dipoles in anomalous elasticity of amorphous solids

BP Bhowmik, M Moshe, I Procaccia - Physical Review E, 2022 - APS
Recent progress in studying the physics of amorphous solids has revealed that mechanical
strains can be strongly screened by the formation of plastic events that are typically …

Anomalous elasticity in classical glass formers

A Kumar, M Moshe, I Procaccia, M Singh - Physical Review E, 2022 - APS
Amorphous solids under mechanical strains are prone to plastic responses. Recent work
showed that in amorphous granular systems these plastic events, that are typically …

Frictional granular matter: Protocol dependence of mechanical properties

A Lemaître, C Mondal, I Procaccia, S Roy, Y Wang… - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
Theoretical treatments of frictional granular matter often assume that it is legitimate to invoke
classical elastic theory to describe its coarse-grained mechanical properties. Here, we show …

Spatial stress correlations in strong colloidal gel systems

DS Dagur, C Mondal, S Roy - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
Colloidal gel systems exhibit increasingly slow relaxation and ultra-long-ranged spatial
correlations of the dynamics similar to other jammed materials. These cooperative dynamics …

Universal power-law scaling in the packing structure of frictional granular materials

J Tang, X Wen, Z Zhang, Y Wang - Physical Review E, 2025 - APS
Friction-induced energy dissipation is one of the key factors contributing to the unique
properties of granular materials, such as the preparation history dependence of the packing …