The ecology and evolution of intraguild predation: potential competitors that eat each other

GA Polis, CA Myers, RD Holt - Annual review of ecology and systematics, 1989 - JSTOR
Interactions between species are usually categorized as either competition (--),
predation/parasitism (+-), mutualism (++), commensalism (+ 0), or amensalism (-0) …

Mechanisms creating community structure across a freshwater habitat gradient

GA Wellborn, DK Skelly… - Annual review of ecology …, 1996 -
▪ Abstract Lentic freshwater habitats in temperate regions exist along a gradient from small
ephemeral ponds to large permanent lakes. This environmental continuum is a useful axis …

[KNYGA][B] Community ecology

PJ Morin - 2009 -
Community ecology: the study of the patterns and processes involving two or more species-
has developed rapidly in the last two decades, driven by new and more sophisticated …

Predation, competition, and prey communities: a review of field experiments

A Sih, P Crowley, M McPeek, J Petranka… - Annual review of ecology …, 1985 - JSTOR
A central controversy in ecology addresses the relative importance of competi-tion and
predation in determining the characteristics of organisms (eg behavior, life history) …

Trophic cascades across ecosystems

TM Knight, MW McCoy, JM Chase, KA McCoy, RD Holt - Nature, 2005 -
Predation can be intense, creating strong direct and indirect effects throughout food webs,,,.
In addition, ecologists increasingly recognize that fluxes of organisms across ecosystem …

Fish predation and benthic community structure: the role of omnivory and habitat complexity

S Diehl - Ecology, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
In population models, omnivorous predation (ie, predation on> 1 trophic level) generally has
a destabilizing influence, whereas habitat heterogeneity tends to stabilize both predatory …

Effects of an omnivorous crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) on a freshwater littoral food web

DM Lodge, MW Kershner, JE Aloi, AP Covich - Ecology, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
Cascading trophic interactions are important in many freshwater pelagic food webs, but their
importance in more complex, omnivore—rich littoral—zone food webs is less well known …

Foraging efficiency of three freshwater fishes: effects of structural complexity and light

S Diehl - Oikos, 1988 - JSTOR
The effects of submerged macrophytes and light on the foraging behaviour and capture rate
of three fishes, perch (Perca fluviatilis), bream (Abramis brama) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) …

Assessing how fish predation and interspecific prey competition influence a crayfish assemblage

JE Garvey, RA Stein, HM Thomas - Ecology, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
In northern Wisconsin lakes, the introduced crayfish Orconectes rusticus is replacing O.
propinquus, a previous invader, and O. virilis, a native crayfish. Herein, we explore how fish …

Juvenile competitive bottlenecks: the perch (Perca fluviatilis)‐roach (Rutilus rutilus) interaction

L Persson, LA Greenberg - Ecology, 1990 - Wiley Online Library
In size—structured populations interspecific competitors often have been suggested to have
their greatest impact on the juvenile life stage. We hypothesized that roach (Rutilus rutilus) …