Discourse coalitions for sustainability transformations: Common ground and conflict beyond neoliberalism
C Riedy - Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2020 - Elsevier
A neoliberal capitalist discourse dominates global affairs, with devastating effects for
ecological integrity and social justice. Diverse alternative discourses challenge its …
ecological integrity and social justice. Diverse alternative discourses challenge its …
Governing the economics of the common good: from correcting market failures to sha** collective goals
M Mazzucato - Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
To meet today's grand challenges, economics requires an understanding of how common
objectives may be collaboratively set and met. Tied to the assumption that the state can, at …
objectives may be collaboratively set and met. Tied to the assumption that the state can, at …
From economic wealth to well-being: exploring the importance of happiness economy for sustainable development through systematic literature review
The pursuit of happiness has been an essential goal of individuals and countries throughout
history. In the past few years, researchers and academicians have developed a huge …
history. In the past few years, researchers and academicians have developed a huge …
Toward better measurement of sustainable development and wellbeing: A small number of SDG indicators reliably predict life satisfaction
In 2015, all 193 member states of the United Nations (UN) adopted the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 goals, 169 targets, and 232 indicators (including over …
Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 goals, 169 targets, and 232 indicators (including over …
An appraisal of interlinkages between macro-economic indicators of economic well-being and the sustainable development goals
Recognising the well-known limitations of economic growth as a litmus test of progress and
the call by Target 19 of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 to “develop measurements …
the call by Target 19 of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 to “develop measurements …
Imagining transformation: Change agent narratives of sustainable futures
Abstracts Deliberate transformation for sustainable futures requires new social imaginaries
that collectively envision futures beyond the dominance of neoliberal capitalism. We looked …
that collectively envision futures beyond the dominance of neoliberal capitalism. We looked …
[HTML][HTML] Overcoming the myths of mainstream economics to enable a new wellbeing economy
Increasingly, empirical evidence refutes many of the theoretical pillars of mainstream
economics. These theories have persisted despite the fact that they support unsustainable …
economics. These theories have persisted despite the fact that they support unsustainable …
Wellbeing‐oriented organizations: Connecting human flourishing with ecological regeneration
Wellbeing is an organizing principle that ensures simultaneous flourishing of people and
nature. It binds together an ethic of nature and ethics of people/community into a practical …
nature. It binds together an ethic of nature and ethics of people/community into a practical …
Ecological economics in 2049: Getting beyond the argument culture to the world we all want
R Costanza - Ecological Economics, 2020 - Elsevier
Ecological economics (EE) was originally envisioned as a transdiscipline with the following
core characteristics and goals:(1) a focus on the primary goal of sustainable wellbeing of …
core characteristics and goals:(1) a focus on the primary goal of sustainable wellbeing of …
Exploring the relationship between plural values of nature, human well‐being, and conservation and development intervention: Why it matters and how to do it?
Globally, land and seascapes across the bioculturally diverse tropics are in transition.
Impacted by the demands of distant consumers, the processes of global environmental …
Impacted by the demands of distant consumers, the processes of global environmental …