Closest conjunct agreement is an illusion

A Murphy, Z Puškar - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 2018 - Springer
Much recent work on closest conjunct agreement has argued that Agree must be sensitive to
linear order. In this paper, we argue that the 'closest'aspect of this phenomenon is in fact …

Conjunct agreement and gender in South Slavic: From theory to experiments to theory

J Willer-Gold, B Arsenijević, M Batinić… - Journal of Slavic …, 2016 -
Agreement with coordinated subjects in Slavic languages has recently seen a rapid
increase in theoretical and experimental approaches, contributing to a wider theoretical …

[HTML][HTML] Merge (Late and Parallel) and Agree (Closest and Multiple): A view from Polish relative clauses with conjoined heads

B Citko - Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2024 -
My main goal in this paper is to examine agreement in relative clauses with conjoined
heads. Since there are many elements that can potentially agree with the conjoined head …

[HTML][HTML] Complementizer agreement with coordinated subjects in Polish

B Citko - Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2018 -
This paper examines complementizer and verbal agreement with coordinate subjects in
Polish. It shows that while certain patterns are possible, others (logically equally plausible …

[HTML][HTML] Locus and timing of gender resolution: Probes, goals and predictions

JW Gold, J Willer-Gold - Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2023 -
Two lines of theoretical research have dominated the question of the locus of gender
resolution in the context of Slavic conjunct agreement. Goal Resolution accounts comprise …

Agreement switch in verb-echo answers: Evidence for Distributed Ellipsis

G Mendes, M Ruda, J Willer-Gold, B Ristić… - Linguistic …, 2025 -
In this article, we claim that syntactic objects undergoing ellipsis can be targeted by both
narrow syntactic and PF operations. We base this conclusion on experimental evidence from …

[PDF][PDF] Person mismatch agreement

I Driemel - Proceedings of NELS, 2018 -
Resolution agreement containing PERSON mismatches typically follows a PERSON
hierarchy of the form 1≻ 2≻ 3 (Zwicky 1977), that is conjoined arguments with different …

Croatian mixed-gender conjunct agreement: An ERP study

M Palmović, J Willer-Gold - Journal of Slavic linguistics, 2016 -
In a recent elicited-production study with native speakers of Slovenian, Marušič, Nevins, and
Saksida (2007) and Marušič, Nevins, and Badecker (2015) show that there are three distinct …

On the number-gender (in) dependence in agreement with coordinated subjects

B Arsenijević, I Mitić - Journal of Slavic linguistics, 2016 -
This paper examines the availability of single-conjunct agreement in number and gender in
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. Reported are the results of an experiment in which coordinated …

Grammars of participle agreement with conjoined subjects in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian

N Čordalija, A Bešić, I Jovović, N Marijanović… - Journal of Slavic …, 2016 -
This paper shows that Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS), like Slovenian, has three distinct
strategies for subject-predicate agreement when the subject consists of conjoined noun …