Remote noninvasive assessment of pain and health status in cattle

ME Theurer, DE Amrine… - Veterinary Clinics: Food …, 2013‏ -
The ability to remotely identify cattle that require an intervention due to pain or disease is
important for animal health providers and researchers. Behavior is frequently monitored to …

Effects of radio‐collar position and orientation on GPS radio‐collar performance, and the implications of PDOP in data screening

RG D'EON, D Delparte - Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005‏ - Wiley Online Library
Summary 1 Global positioning system (GPS) radio‐telemetry has become an important
wildlife research technique worldwide. However, understanding, quantifying and managing …

Calf survival of woodland caribou in a multi‐predator ecosystem

DD Gustine, KL Parker, RJ Lay… - Wildlife …, 2006‏ - Wiley Online Library
The proximate role of predation in limiting caribou (Rangifer tarandus) populations is well
documented, but the long‐term effects of predation pressure on selection of calving areas …

Influence of topography and GPS fix interval on GPS collar performance

JWC III, PR Krausman, BD Jansen… - Wildlife Society …, 2005‏ - Wiley Online Library
Topography, vegetation, and animal behavior may influence the performance of Global
Positioning System (GPS) telemetry collars, affecting fix success rates and location error. We …

Accelerometer‐informed GPS telemetry: Reducing the trade‐off between resolution and longevity

DD Brown, S LaPoint, R Kays, W Heidrich… - Wildlife Society …, 2012‏ - Wiley Online Library
Tracking animal movement using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology is an
increasingly popular method for studying animal ecology, behavior, and conservation. To …

Importance of diel behaviour when studying habitat selection: examples from female Scandinavian brown bears (Ursus arctos)

TF Moe, J Kindberg, I Jansson… - Canadian Journal of …, 2007‏ -
The goal of habitat selection studies is to identify important habitats for a particular species.
However, most studies using radiotelemetry have focused on habitat-selection patterns …

Effects of a stationary GPS fix-rate bias on habitat-selection analyses

RG D'Eon - The Journal of Wildlife Management, 2003‏ - JSTOR
Global Positioning System (GPS) radiotelemetry, as a data collection technique, currently
suffers from largely unknown fix-rate biases that result in lost data due to environmental …

Responses of desert bighorn sheep to removal of water sources

JW CAIN III, PR Krausman, JR Morgart… - Wildlife …, 2008‏ - Wiley Online Library
In arid regions of the southwestern United States, water is often considered a primary factor
limiting distribution and productivity of desert ungulates, including desert bighorn sheep …

Effects of species behavior on global positioning system collar fix rates

J Mattisson, H Andrén, J Persson… - The Journal of Wildlife …, 2010‏ - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT Use of Global Positioning System (GPS) telemetry is increasing in wildlife
studies and has provided researchers and managers with new insight into animal behavior …

Understanding the causes of missed global positioning system telemetry fixes

TA Graves, JS Waller - The Journal of Wildlife Management, 2006‏ - JSTOR
Methods We placed Telonics Generation II GPS collars (Telonics Inc., Mesa, Arizona) on 14
grizzly bears captured for research on the effects of transportation developments (Waller and …