[HTML][HTML] How can vegetation protect us from air pollution? A critical review on green spaces' mitigation abilities for air-borne particles from a public health perspective …
A Diener, P Mudu - Science of the Total Environment, 2021 - Elsevier
Air pollution causes the largest death toll among environmental risks globally, but
interventions to purify ambient air remain inadequate. Vegetation and green spaces have …
interventions to purify ambient air remain inadequate. Vegetation and green spaces have …
Designing vegetation barriers for urban air pollution abatement: A practical review for appropriate plant species selection
Vegetation can form a barrier between traffic emissions and adjacent areas, but the optimal
configuration and plant composition of such green infrastructure (GI) are currently unclear …
configuration and plant composition of such green infrastructure (GI) are currently unclear …
[HTML][HTML] Air pollution abatement performances of green infrastructure in open road and built-up street canyon environments–A review
Intensifying the proportion of urban green infrastructure has been considered as one of the
remedies for air pollution levels in cities, yet the impact of numerous vegetation types …
remedies for air pollution levels in cities, yet the impact of numerous vegetation types …
[HTML][HTML] Green infrastructure for air quality improvement in street canyons
Street canyons are generally highly polluted urban environments due to high traffic
emissions and impeded dispersion. Green infrastructure (GI) is one potential passive control …
emissions and impeded dispersion. Green infrastructure (GI) is one potential passive control …
Right tree, right place (urban canyon): Tree species selection approach for optimum urban heat mitigation-development and evaluation
The re-integration of trees into the urban landscape is a veritable strategy for urban climate
mitigation and adaptation. However, dysfunctional trees in terms of urban heat mitigation are …
mitigation and adaptation. However, dysfunctional trees in terms of urban heat mitigation are …
Nature-based Systems (NbS) for mitigation of stormwater and air pollution in urban areas: A review
In recent years, increasing attention has been given to the application of Nature-based
systems (NbS) for mitigation of environmental pollution in cities. NbS namely bioretention …
systems (NbS) for mitigation of environmental pollution in cities. NbS namely bioretention …
[HTML][HTML] Modelling the effectiveness of urban trees and grass on PM2. 5 reduction via dispersion and deposition at a city scale
Green infrastructure can reduce PM 2.5 traffic emissions on a city scale, by a combination of
dispersion by trees and deposition on buildings, trees and grass. Simulations of PM 2.5 …
dispersion by trees and deposition on buildings, trees and grass. Simulations of PM 2.5 …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of greenspace on air pollution: Empirical evidence from China
H Ai, X Zhang, Z Zhou - Ecological indicators, 2023 - Elsevier
Can green vegetation absorb air pollutants and control regional air pollution? The existing
research has not reached a consistent conclusion on this issue. Using the multi-level data in …
research has not reached a consistent conclusion on this issue. Using the multi-level data in …
Green walls for mitigating urban particulate matter pollution—A review
Air pollution caused by particulate matter (PM) is a well-known health issue in urban
environments. Urban green infrastructure offers opportunities as a nature-based solution to …
environments. Urban green infrastructure offers opportunities as a nature-based solution to …
Progress in urban greenery mitigation science–assessment methodologies advanced technologies and impact on cities
Urban greenery is a natural solution to cool cities and provide comfort, clean air and
significant social, health and economic benefits. This paper aims to present the latest …
significant social, health and economic benefits. This paper aims to present the latest …