Climate change effects on vulnerable populations in the Global South: a systematic review
BS Ngcamu - Natural Hazards, 2023 - Springer
The climate and environmental changes in the Global South have devastating effects on
vulnerable populations, which have been perpetuated by socio-economic and political as …
vulnerable populations, which have been perpetuated by socio-economic and political as …
Development and validation of survey questionnaire & experimental data–a systematical review-based statistical approach
In quantitative research methodology, the empirical research method is finding importance
due to its effectiveness in carrying out research in social sciences, business management …
due to its effectiveness in carrying out research in social sciences, business management …
Human-AI collaboration patterns in AI-assisted academic writing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increasingly influenced higher education, notably in academic
writing where AI-powered assisting tools offer both opportunities and challenges. Recently …
writing where AI-powered assisting tools offer both opportunities and challenges. Recently …
Application of Guba and Lincoln's parallel criteria to assess trustworthiness of qualitative research on indigenous social protection systems
OC Enworo - Qualitative research journal, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper illustrates how Guba and Lincoln's parallel criteria for establishing
trustworthiness, can be adapted and applied to qualitative research on indigenous social …
trustworthiness, can be adapted and applied to qualitative research on indigenous social …
Patient apprehensions about the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare
While there is significant enthusiasm in the medical community about the use of artificial
intelligence (AI) technologies in healthcare, few research studies have sought to assess …
intelligence (AI) technologies in healthcare, few research studies have sought to assess …
Ai's regimes of representation: A community-centered study of text-to-image models in south asia
This paper presents a community-centered study of cultural limitations of text-to-image (T2I)
models in the South Asian context. We theorize these failures using scholarship on …
models in the South Asian context. We theorize these failures using scholarship on …
[КНИГА][B] Analyse qualitativer Daten mit MAXQDA
S Rädiker, U Kuckartz - 2019 - Springer
„To begin at the beginning “heißt es zu Beginn des Theaterstücks „Under Milk Wood “des
walisischen Dichters Dylan Thomas. So wollen auch wir hier mit dem Anfang beginnen und …
walisischen Dichters Dylan Thomas. So wollen auch wir hier mit dem Anfang beginnen und …
Moral distress in nurses caring for patients with Covid-19
HJ Silverman, RE Kheirbek… - Nursing …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Background: Moral distress occurs when constraints prevent healthcare providers from
acting in accordance with their core moral values to provide good patient care. The …
acting in accordance with their core moral values to provide good patient care. The …
An overview of qualitative research and focus group discussion
Recently, qualitative studies have been widespread in various areas such as, psychology,
business, and sociology. In this review, the process of qualitative study has been clarified …
business, and sociology. In this review, the process of qualitative study has been clarified …
Focus group interviews in child, youth, and parent research: An integrative literature review
K Adler, S Salanterä… - International Journal of …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Focus groups are becoming increasingly popular in research, especially in parent and child
research. Focus group interviews allow participants to tell their own stories, express their …
research. Focus group interviews allow participants to tell their own stories, express their …