[HTML][HTML] Digitalization and agricultural transformation in develo** countries: Empirical evidence from Tanzania agriculture sector
Agribusiness can potentially increase value for agriculture and the entire value chain, but it
is hard to achieve these goals without digitalising the sector. The transformation reforms …
is hard to achieve these goals without digitalising the sector. The transformation reforms …
The heterogeneity of socioeconomic factors affecting poverty reduction in Tanzania: A multidimensional statistical inquiry
Persistent poverty poses a formidable challenge for the develo** world, and Tanzania is
no exception. Despite earnest efforts spanning decades to implement poverty reduction …
no exception. Despite earnest efforts spanning decades to implement poverty reduction …
Cooking energy choices in urban areas and its implications on poverty reduction
Develo** nations face higher stakes in the race towards a cleaner energy future, where it's
a matter of life, wealth, and basic human needs. Using Tanzania Panel Survey data, this …
a matter of life, wealth, and basic human needs. Using Tanzania Panel Survey data, this …
A systematic review of digital technology adoption in small and medium-sized enterprises: implications for performance in develo** countries
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are crucial for economic development, yet they
face resource constraints and regulatory limitations. The advent of digital technologies …
face resource constraints and regulatory limitations. The advent of digital technologies …
The dynamism of communication technology adoption, market information and welfare: Evidence from Nile perch (Lates niloticus) fish market, Mwanza, Tanzania
Despite the growing importance of digital technology in modern society, its adoption in some
sectors and regions has been slow. One such sector is fishing in develo** countries …
sectors and regions has been slow. One such sector is fishing in develo** countries …
Does health insurance solve health care utilization puzzle in Tanzania?
Objectives The global target of achieving universal health coverage by 2030 is a nightmare
in most develo** countries. To seek in-depth reasons, this study examines the effects of …
in most develo** countries. To seek in-depth reasons, this study examines the effects of …
Analysis on the equity differential on household healthcare financing in develo** countries: empirical evidence from Tanzania, East Africa
Background Achieving equity in healthcare services has been a global priority. According to
the literature, a slew of initiatives aimed at increasing household equity in healthcare …
the literature, a slew of initiatives aimed at increasing household equity in healthcare …
The impact of trade liberalization on the performance of Tanzania's export sector–a time series analysis from 1980 to 2019
H Utouh - Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 2024 - ceeol.com
Aim: This article aims to enhance understanding of the impact of trade liberalization on
Tanzania's export performance. As many studies conducted, both in develo** and …
Tanzania's export performance. As many studies conducted, both in develo** and …
External debts as panacea to economic growth challenges in selected Eastern African countries: an application of the autoregressive distributed lag model
Foreign aid has significantly influenced medium-and long-term development initiatives in
Eastern African countries. Project aid and non-project aid are the two main categories that …
Eastern African countries. Project aid and non-project aid are the two main categories that …
Effects of Value Added Tax (VAT) Knowledge on SMEs Performance and Factors Affecting SMEs Performance in Morogoro Tanzania
Abstract Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in driving economic
growth and development in Tanzania. However, the performance of SMEs is hindered by …
growth and development in Tanzania. However, the performance of SMEs is hindered by …