Neuroscientific evidence for processing without awareness
The extent to which we are affected by perceptual input of which we are unaware is widely
debated. By measuring neural responses to sensory stimulation, neuroscientific data could …
debated. By measuring neural responses to sensory stimulation, neuroscientific data could …
What is sleep exactly? Global and local modulations of sleep oscillations all around the clock
Wakefulness, non-rapid eye-movement (NREM) and rapid eye-movement (REM) sleep differ
from each other along three dimensions: behavioral, phenomenological, physiological …
from each other along three dimensions: behavioral, phenomenological, physiological …
[HTML][HTML] Real-time dialogue between experimenters and dreamers during REM sleep
Dreams take us to a different reality, a hallucinatory world that feels as real as any waking
experience. These often-bizarre episodes are emblematic of human sleep but have yet to be …
experience. These often-bizarre episodes are emblematic of human sleep but have yet to be …
The search for invertebrate consciousness
J Birch - Noûs, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
There is no agreement on whether any invertebrates are conscious and no agreement on a
methodology that could settle the issue. How can the debate move forward? I distinguish …
methodology that could settle the issue. How can the debate move forward? I distinguish …
[KNIHA][B] Dreaming: A conceptual framework for philosophy of mind and empirical research
JM Windt - 2015 -
A comprehensive proposal for a conceptual framework for describing conscious experience
in dreams, integrating philosophy of mind, sleep and dream research, and interdisciplinary …
in dreams, integrating philosophy of mind, sleep and dream research, and interdisciplinary …
Reduced neural feedback signaling despite robust neuron and gamma auditory responses during human sleep
During sleep, sensory stimuli rarely trigger a behavioral response or conscious perception.
However, it remains unclear whether sleep inhibits specific aspects of sensory processing …
However, it remains unclear whether sleep inhibits specific aspects of sensory processing …
Disruption of hierarchical predictive coding during sleep
When presented with an auditory sequence, the brain acts as a predictive-coding device that
extracts regularities in the transition probabilities between sounds and detects unexpected …
extracts regularities in the transition probabilities between sounds and detects unexpected …
Sleep, recovery, and metaregulation: explaining the benefits of sleep
VV Vyazovskiy - Nature and science of sleep, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
A commonly held view is that extended wakefulness is causal for a broad spectrum of
deleterious effects at molecular, cellular, network, physiological, psychological, and …
deleterious effects at molecular, cellular, network, physiological, psychological, and …
[HTML][HTML] Bistability breaks-off deterministic responses to intracortical stimulation during non-REM sleep
During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep (stage N3), when consciousness fades,
cortico-cortical interactions are impaired while neurons are still active and reactive. Why is …
cortico-cortical interactions are impaired while neurons are still active and reactive. Why is …
Neural markers of responsiveness to the environment in human sleep
Sleep is characterized by a loss of behavioral responsiveness. However, recent research
has shown that the slee** brain is not completely disconnected from its environment. How …
has shown that the slee** brain is not completely disconnected from its environment. How …