International monetary regimes and the German model

FW Scharpf - 2018 -
The end of the Bretton Woods regime and the fall of the Iron Curtain deepened the export
orientation of the German model of the economy. Only after entry into the Monetary Union …

The nexus between FDI, external (im) balance and economic growth on Serbian real convergence path

A Sekulić, EB Pucar, O Glavaški - The European Journal of …, 2024 -
The focus of this research is the nexus between FDIs, external imbalance and economic
growth, in the case of Serbia in the period 2007-2024. From one side, convergence process …

Analiza perzistentnosti i divergentnosti tekućeg računa u evropskim ekonomijama metodama panela

SM Bodor - 2019 -
Visok spoljnotrgovinski deficit predstavlja najveći izazov za eksternu ravnotežu. Velik broj
zemalja se suočava sa rastućom divergencijom trgovinskih tokova i uravnotežen tekući …

Determinantes do saldo da balança corrente Portuguesa

FS Carvalho - 2019 -
A recente crise económica e financeira forçou Portugal a corrigir um défice externo
acumulado durante quase duas décadas. Nesta dissertação procurou-se identificar …