In spite of more than 200 years of botanical exploration of the Orient, resulting in many
herbaria and germplasm collections, sequence data, and transferred alleles, our knowledge …
herbaria and germplasm collections, sequence data, and transferred alleles, our knowledge …
Molecular diversity in French bread wheat accessions related to temporal trends and breeding programmes
A set of 41 wheat microsatellite markers (WMS), giving 42 polymorphic loci (two loci on each
chromosome), was used to describe genetic diversity in a sample of 559 French bread …
chromosome), was used to describe genetic diversity in a sample of 559 French bread …
Development of microsatellite markers from an enriched genomic library for genetic analysis of melon (Cucumis meloL.)
Background Despite the great advances in genomic technology observed in several crop
species, the availability of molecular tools such as microsatellite markers has been limited in …
species, the availability of molecular tools such as microsatellite markers has been limited in …
Microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity and population genetic structure of a wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) in China
Genetic diversity and population genetic structure of natural Oryza rufipogon populations in
China were studied based on ten microsatellite loci. For a total of 237 individuals of 12 …
China were studied based on ten microsatellite loci. For a total of 237 individuals of 12 …
Analysis of genetic diversity in Tunisian durum wheat cultivars and related wild species by SSR and AFLP markers
Thirty-four durum wheat cultivars representing the Tunisian durum (Triticum durum Desf.)
wheat collection and seven wild species of wheat relatives (Triticum turgidum L., T. dicoccon …
wheat collection and seven wild species of wheat relatives (Triticum turgidum L., T. dicoccon …
Tall wheatgrass cultivar Szarvasi-1 (Elymus elongatus subsp. ponticus cv. Szarvasi-1) as a potential energy crop for semi-arid lands of Eastern Europe
By 2020, proportion of renewable energy sources should be around 20 per cent of the total
energy consumption in the European Union, according to the new treaty signed by …
energy consumption in the European Union, according to the new treaty signed by …
Development of analytical systems based on real-time PCR for Triticum species-specific detection and quantitation of bread wheat contamination in semolina and …
The cereal composition of specific foods is always a key factor in the quality and safety of the
final product. It is important to introduce new control methods for certain special foods, such …
final product. It is important to introduce new control methods for certain special foods, such …
Comparative analysis of genetic diversity in two Tunisian collections of fig cultivars based on random amplified polymorphic DNA and inter simple sequence repeats …
This study characterized the genetic diversity of 18 Tunisian fig cultivars using random
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Both random …
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Both random …
Barley origin and related species
The barley genus Hordeum was formerly considered a nonhomogeneous group with
basically a number of unrelated but morphologically rather similar entities, thus not …
basically a number of unrelated but morphologically rather similar entities, thus not …
ISSR-based clustering of cultivated flax germplasm is statistically correlated to thousand seed mass
D Wiesnerova, I Wiesner - Molecular Biotechnology, 2004 - Springer
Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) polymorphism was
generated to provide useful markers for assessment of genetic diversity within flax …
generated to provide useful markers for assessment of genetic diversity within flax …