Active galactic nuclei: what's in a name?
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are energetic astrophysical sources powered by accretion onto
supermassive black holes in galaxies, and present unique observational signatures that …
supermassive black holes in galaxies, and present unique observational signatures that …
Obscured active galactic nuclei
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are powered by the accretion of material onto a supermassive
black hole (SMBH) and are among the most luminous objects in the Universe. However, the …
black hole (SMBH) and are among the most luminous objects in the Universe. However, the …
JADES-The diverse population of infant black holes at 4< z< 11: Merging, tiny, poor, but mighty
Spectroscopy with the James Webb Space Telescope has opened the possibility of
identifying moderate-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the early Universe, at and …
identifying moderate-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the early Universe, at and …
The bolometric quasar luminosity function at z = 0–7
In this paper, we provide updated constraints on the bolometric quasar luminosity function
(QLF) from z= 0 to z= 7. The constraints are based on an observational compilation that …
(QLF) from z= 0 to z= 7. The constraints are based on an observational compilation that …
Cosmic Reionization in the JWST Era: Back to AGNs?
Deep surveys with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revealed an emergent
population of moderate-luminosity, broad-line active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at 4≲ z≲ 13 …
population of moderate-luminosity, broad-line active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at 4≲ z≲ 13 …
Cosmological constraints from the Hubble diagram of quasars at high redshifts
The concordance model (Λ cold dark matter (Λ CDM) model, where Λ is the cosmological
constant) reproduces the main current cosmological observations,,–assuming the validity of …
constant) reproduces the main current cosmological observations,,–assuming the validity of …
Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission
The current standard model of cosmology successfully describes a variety of measurements,
but the nature of its main ingredients, dark matter and dark energy, remains unknown. is a …
but the nature of its main ingredients, dark matter and dark energy, remains unknown. is a …
Quasar luminosity function at z= 7
We present the quasar luminosity function (LF) at z= 7, measured with 35 spectroscopically
confirmed quasars at 6.55< z< 7.15. The sample of 22 quasars from the Subaru High-z …
confirmed quasars at 6.55< z< 7.15. The sample of 22 quasars from the Subaru High-z …
Revisiting the unified model of active galactic nuclei
This review describes recent developments related to the unified model of active galactic
nuclei (AGNs). It focuses on new ideas about the origin and properties of the central …
nuclei (AGNs). It focuses on new ideas about the origin and properties of the central …
Nuclear obscuration in active galactic nuclei
The material surrounding accreting supermassive black holes connects the active galactic
nucleus with its host galaxy and, besides being responsible for feeding the black hole …
nucleus with its host galaxy and, besides being responsible for feeding the black hole …