[HTML][HTML] Laser welding of precipitation strengthened Ni-rich NiTiHf high temperature shape memory alloys: Microstructure and mechanical properties
High temperature shape memory alloys are currently attracting significant attention by the
aerospace industry due to the potential use of shape memory and superelastic properties at …
aerospace industry due to the potential use of shape memory and superelastic properties at …
Effects of microstructure and composition on constitutive response of high temperature shape memory alloys: Micromechanical modeling using 3-D reconstructions …
NiTiHf alloys are high temperature Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) suitable for actuation
applications in a wide range of temperatures. Aging heat treatments in NiTiHf SMAs cause …
applications in a wide range of temperatures. Aging heat treatments in NiTiHf SMAs cause …
Compositional Changes of H-phase Precipitates in NiTiHf Shape Memory Alloys using Atom Probe Tomography
Chemical analysis of shape memory alloys (SMAs) is critically important to characterization
due to the high compositional sensitivity of shape memory properties. Chemical analytical …
due to the high compositional sensitivity of shape memory properties. Chemical analytical …
Characterization of thermomechanically processed high-temperature Ni-lean NiTi–20 at.% Hf shape memory wires
The thermomechanical processability of Ti (Hf)-rich Ni 49.8 Ti 30.2 Hf 20 (at.%) high-
temperature shape memory alloy (HTSMA) wires was examined. Hot-extruded rods with an …
temperature shape memory alloy (HTSMA) wires was examined. Hot-extruded rods with an …
Predicting the constitutive response of precipitation hardened NiTiHf
Current efforts towards the identification of suitable processing parameters of shape memory
alloys (SMAs) that enhance their actuation performance, are based on semi-empirical …
alloys (SMAs) that enhance their actuation performance, are based on semi-empirical …
Micromechanical Modeling of Precipitated NiTiHf Shape Memory Alloys
J Kolliyil Joy - 2022 - oaktrust.library.tamu.edu
Aging heat treatments in high temperature NiTiHf shape memory alloys (SMAs) create nano-
sized precipitates and modify their phase transformation behavior. Depending upon specific …
sized precipitates and modify their phase transformation behavior. Depending upon specific …
Micromechanical modeling of precipitation hardened nitihf
Actuation response of NiTiHf high temperature SMAs can be enhanced by means of suitable
heat treatment on the material through precipitation hardening. Heat treatments can be …
heat treatment on the material through precipitation hardening. Heat treatments can be …