A comparative review of approaches to prevent premature convergence in GA

HM Pandey, A Chaudhary, D Mehrotra - Applied Soft Computing, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper surveys strategies applied to avoid premature convergence in Genetic
Algorithms (GAs). Genetic Algorithm belongs to the set of nature inspired algorithms. The …

Riccardo Poli, William B. Langdon, Nicholas F. McPhee: A Field Guide to Genetic Programming: Lulu. com, 2008, 250 pp, ISBN 978-1-4092-0073-4

M O'Neill - 2009 - Springer
The latest book on Genetic Programming, Poli, Langdon and McPhee's (with contributions
from John R. Koza) A Field Guide to Genetic Programming represents an exciting landmark …

[KNYGA][B] Genetic algorithms and genetic programming: modern concepts and practical applications

M Affenzeller, S Winkler, S Wagner, A Beham - 2009 - library.oapen.org
Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming: Modern Concepts and Practical Applications
discusses algorithmic developments in the context of genetic algorithms (GAs) and genetic …

[KNYGA][B] Analyzing evolutionary algorithms: The computer science perspective

T Jansen - 2013 - Springer
Analyzing Evolutionary Algorithms: The Computer Science Perspective | SpringerLink Skip to
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Genetic programming: An introduction and tutorial, with a survey of techniques and applications

WB Langdon, R Poli, NF McPhee, JR Koza - Computational intelligence: A …, 2008 - Springer
The goal of having computers automatically solve problems is central to artificial
intelligence, machine learning, and the broad area encompassed by what Turing called …

A novel bio-sensor based on DNA strand displacement

X Shi, Z Wang, C Deng, T Song, L Pan, Z Chen - PLoS One, 2014 - journals.plos.org
DNA strand displacement technology performs well in sensing and programming DNA
segments. In this work, we construct DNA molecular systems based on DNA strand …

Genetic programming convergence

WB Langdon - Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
We study both genotypic and phenotypic convergence in GP floating point continuous
domain symbolic regression over thousands of generations. Subtree fitness variation across …

Genetic programming

R Poli, J Koza - … : Introductory tutorials in optimization and decision …, 2013 - Springer
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Theoretical results in genetic programming: the next ten years?

R Poli, L Vanneschi, WB Langdon… - Genetic Programming and …, 2010 - Springer
We consider the theoretical results in GP so far and prospective areas for the future. We
begin by reviewing the state of the art in genetic programming (GP) theory including …

A genetic algorithm approach to probing the evolution of self-organized nanostructured systems

P Siepmann, CP Martin, I Vancea, PJ Moriarty… - Nano …, 2007 - ACS Publications
We present a new methodology, based on a combination of genetic algorithms and image
morphometry, for matching the outcome of a Monte Carlo simulation to experimental …