The interaction of ultra-low-frequency pc3-5 waves with charged particles in Earth's magnetosphere
One of the most important issues in space physics is to identify the dominant processes that
transfer energy from the solar wind to energetic particle populations in Earth's inner …
transfer energy from the solar wind to energetic particle populations in Earth's inner …
Differentiating between the leading processes for electron radiation belt acceleration
Many spacecraft fly within or through a natural and variable particle accelerator powered by
the coupling between the magnetosphere and the solar wind: the Earth's radiation belts …
the coupling between the magnetosphere and the solar wind: the Earth's radiation belts …
Waves in kinetic‐scale magnetic dips: MMS observations in the magnetosheath
Kinetic‐scale magnetic dips (KSMDs), with a significant depression in magnetic field
strength, and scale length close to and less than one proton gyroradius, were reported in the …
strength, and scale length close to and less than one proton gyroradius, were reported in the …
Global propagation of magnetospheric Pc5 ULF waves driven by foreshock transients
Abstract Pc5 (2–7 mHz) ultralow frequency (ULF) waves play a significant role in resonating
with particles and transferring energy in the coupled magnetospheric and ionospheric …
with particles and transferring energy in the coupled magnetospheric and ionospheric …
Medium-energy electron spectrometers on Macao Science Satellite-1
Abstract The Macao Science Satellite-1 is a two-satellite constellation specifically designed
to study the geomagnetic field and particle radiation environment in low Earth orbit …
to study the geomagnetic field and particle radiation environment in low Earth orbit …
Relativistic electron dynamics produced by azimuthally localized poloidal mode ULF waves: Boomerang‐shaped pitch angle evolutions
We present an analysis of “boomerang‐shaped” pitch angle evolutions of outer radiation
belt relativistic electrons observed by the Van Allen Probes after the passage of an …
belt relativistic electrons observed by the Van Allen Probes after the passage of an …
Nonlinear wave growth analysis of chorus emissions modulated by ULF waves
Abstract We present Van Allen Probes observations of periodic chorus wave emissions in
the troughs of compressional ultralow frequency (ULF) waves. During this event, the spectral …
the troughs of compressional ultralow frequency (ULF) waves. During this event, the spectral …
Chorus wave generation modulated by field line resonance and mirror‐mode ULF waves
Earth's inner magnetosphere is a zoo of plasma waves where electromagnetic and
electrostatic emissions with distinct frequencies coexist and interact. Spacecraft …
electrostatic emissions with distinct frequencies coexist and interact. Spacecraft …
Energy modulations of magnetospheric ions induced by foreshock transient‐driven ultralow‐frequency waves
Although foreshock transients can generate strong magnetospheric Pc5 ultralow‐frequency
(ULF) waves, whether they can modulate the energy of magnetospheric ions is still poorly …
(ULF) waves, whether they can modulate the energy of magnetospheric ions is still poorly …
Medium‐energy electron detector onboard the FY‐3E satellite
Abstract The Medium‐Energy Electron Detector (MEED), a space weather monitoring
instrument on the Fengyun‐3E (FY‐3E) satellite, is introduced in this paper. The MEED …
instrument on the Fengyun‐3E (FY‐3E) satellite, is introduced in this paper. The MEED …