A survey on 3d skeleton-based action recognition using learning method
Three-dimensional skeleton-based action recognition (3D SAR) has gained important
attention within the computer vision community, owing to the inherent advantages offered by …
attention within the computer vision community, owing to the inherent advantages offered by …
Revisiting skeleton-based action recognition
Human skeleton, as a compact representation of human action, has received increasing
attention in recent years. Many skeleton-based action recognition methods adopt GCNs to …
attention in recent years. Many skeleton-based action recognition methods adopt GCNs to …
Skeleton-contrastive 3D action representation learning
This paper strives for self-supervised learning of a feature space suitable for skeleton-based
action recognition. Our proposal is built upon learning invariances to input skeleton …
action recognition. Our proposal is built upon learning invariances to input skeleton …
Iterative alignment network for continuous sign language recognition
In this paper, we propose an alignment network with iterative optimization for weakly
supervised continuous sign language recognition. Our framework consists of two modules: a …
supervised continuous sign language recognition. Our framework consists of two modules: a …
Human motion prediction via spatio-temporal inpainting
Abstract We propose a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to forecast 3D human motion
given a sequence of past 3D skeleton poses. While recent GANs have shown promising …
given a sequence of past 3D skeleton poses. While recent GANs have shown promising …
Neural koopman pooling: Control-inspired temporal dynamics encoding for skeleton-based action recognition
Skeleton-based human action recognition is becoming increasingly important in a variety of
fields. Most existing works train a CNN or GCN based backbone to extract spatial-temporal …
fields. Most existing works train a CNN or GCN based backbone to extract spatial-temporal …
Beyond joints: Learning representations from primitive geometries for skeleton-based action recognition and detection
Recently, skeleton-based action recognition becomes popular owing to the development of
cost-effective depth sensors and fast pose estimation algorithms. Traditional methods based …
cost-effective depth sensors and fast pose estimation algorithms. Traditional methods based …
Psumnet: Unified modality part streams are all you need for efficient pose-based action recognition
Pose-based action recognition is predominantly tackled by approaches which treat the input
skeleton in a monolithic fashion, ie joints in the pose tree are processed as a whole …
skeleton in a monolithic fashion, ie joints in the pose tree are processed as a whole …
Hierarchical transformer: Unsupervised representation learning for skeleton-based human action recognition
The unsupervised representation learning for skeleton-based human action can be utilized
in a variety of pose analysis applications. However, previous unsupervised methods focus …
in a variety of pose analysis applications. However, previous unsupervised methods focus …
Motion-transformer: Self-supervised pre-training for skeleton-based action recognition
With the development of deep learning, skeleton-based action recognition has achieved
great progress in recent years. However, most of the current works focus on extracting more …
great progress in recent years. However, most of the current works focus on extracting more …