Female desistance: A review of the literature
E Rodermond, C Kruttschnitt… - European Journal …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
To examine whether, and if so how, male-based theories of desistance also apply to female
offenders, this article reviews 44 studies on female desistance. Where available, gender …
offenders, this article reviews 44 studies on female desistance. Where available, gender …
Relationships in adolescence
PC Giordano - Annual review of sociology, 2003 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract In this chapter I review recent research on the nature, meaning, and impact of
extrafamilial relationships during adolescence. I use findings of quantitative and qualitative …
extrafamilial relationships during adolescence. I use findings of quantitative and qualitative …
Desistance and the" feared self": Toward an identity theory of criminal desistance
This Article develops both a framework for a theory of desistance from crime and an
analytical strategy with which to examine desistance. With respect to the former, an identity …
analytical strategy with which to examine desistance. With respect to the former, an identity …
[КНИГА][B] Walking away from terrorism: Accounts of disengagement from radical and extremist movements
JG Horgan - 2009 - api.taylorfrancis.com
This accessible new book looks at how and why individuals leave terrorist movements, and
considers the lessons and implications that emerge from this process. Focusing on the …
considers the lessons and implications that emerge from this process. Focusing on the …
[КНИГА][B] Offending and desistance: The importance of social relations
B Weaver - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
In Offending and Desistance, Beth Weaver examines the role of a co-offending peer group in
sha** and influencing offending and desistance, focusing on three phases of their criminal …
sha** and influencing offending and desistance, focusing on three phases of their criminal …
Which criminogenic need changes are most important in promoting desistance from crime and substance use?
Andrews and Bonta identified the following criminogenic needs as important to reducing
offending: substance use, antisocial cognition, antisocial associates, family and marital …
offending: substance use, antisocial cognition, antisocial associates, family and marital …
Successful reentry: What differentiates successful and unsuccessful parolees?
SJ Bahr, L Harris, JK Fisher… - … journal of offender …, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
In this research the authors examine the reentry of 51 parolees during the 3 years following
their release from prison. The objective is to gain increased understanding of what …
their release from prison. The objective is to gain increased understanding of what …
Motives and methods for leaving the gang: Understanding the process of gang desistance
PURPOSE: This study examined the process of leaving the gang. Gang membership was
conceptualized in a life course framework and the motives for why and methods for how one …
conceptualized in a life course framework and the motives for why and methods for how one …
[КНИГА][B] Confessions of a dying thief
DJ Steffensmeier - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
* Recipient of the American Society of Criminology's 2006 Michael J. Hindelang Award for a
book, published within the past three calendar years, that is" the most outstanding …
book, published within the past three calendar years, that is" the most outstanding …
[КНИГА][B] Crime and the life course
ML Benson - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
In recent years, the lifecourse perspective has become a popular theoretical orientation
toward crime. Yet despite its growing importance in the field of criminology, most textbooks …
toward crime. Yet despite its growing importance in the field of criminology, most textbooks …