Bosons outperform fermions: The thermodynamic advantage of symmetry

NM Myers, S Deffner - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
We examine a quantum Otto engine with a harmonic working medium consisting of two
particles to explore the use of wave function symmetry as an accessible resource. It is shown …

Quantum Otto engines at relativistic energies

NM Myers, O Abah, S Deffner - New journal of physics, 2021 -
Relativistic quantum systems exhibit unique features not present at lower energies, such as
the existence of both particles and antiparticles, and restrictions placed on the system …

[HTML][HTML] Otto engine: Classical and quantum approach

FJ Peña, O Negrete, N Cortés, P Vargas - Entropy, 2020 -
In this paper, we analyze the total work extracted and the efficiency of the magnetic Otto
cycle in its classic and quantum versions. As a general result, we found that the work and …

[HTML][HTML] Quantum heat engines with singular interactions

NM Myers, J McCready, S Deffner - Symmetry, 2021 -
By harnessing quantum phenomena, quantum devices have the potential to outperform their
classical counterparts. Here, we examine using wave function symmetry as a resource to …

Magic angle twisted bilayer graphene as a highly efficient quantum Otto engine

A Singh, C Benjamin - Physical Review B, 2021 - APS
At a discrete set of magic angles, twisted bilayer graphene has been shown to host
extraordinarily flat bands, correlated insulating states, unconventional superconductivity …

Landauer's Principle in a quantum Szilard engine without Maxwell's Demon

A Aydin, A Sisman, R Kosloff - Entropy, 2020 -
Quantum Szilard engine constitutes an adequate interplay of thermodynamics, information
theory and quantum mechanics. Szilard engines are in general operated by a Maxwell's …

Quasistatic and quantum-adiabatic Otto engine for a two-dimensional material: The case of a graphene quantum dot

FJ Peña, D Zambrano, O Negrete, G De Chiara… - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
In this work, we study the performance of a quasistatic and quantum-adiabatic magnetic Otto
cycles with a working substance composed of a single graphene quantum dot modeled by …

Thermodynamics of statistical anyons

NM Myers, S Deffner - PRX Quantum, 2021 - APS
In low-dimensional systems, indistinguishable particles can display statistics that interpolate
between bosons and fermions. Signatures of these “anyons” have been detected in two …

Coupled quantum Otto heat engine and refrigerator with inner friction

D Türkpençe, F Altintas - Quantum Information Processing, 2019 - Springer
We investigate two coupled spins 1/2 in a magnetic field as the working substance of the
quantum Otto cycle. In the quantum adiabatic strokes, finite-time parametric transformations …

Quantum Heat Engines with Spin‐Chain‐Star Systems

MD Alsulami, MY Abd‐Rabbou - Annalen der Physik, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
This study investigates a theoretical model of a Quantum Otto Cycle (QOC) that utilizes a
working fluid spin‐chain‐star model. The system consists of a central atom interacting with …