[HTML][HTML] Antioxidant, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activity and other functional properties of egg white proteins and their derived peptides–A review
Egg white contains many functionally important proteins: ovalbumin (54%), ovotransferrin
(12%), ovomucoid (11%), ovoglobulin (G2 and G3, 8%), ovomucin (3.5%), and lysozyme …
(12%), ovomucoid (11%), ovoglobulin (G2 and G3, 8%), ovomucin (3.5%), and lysozyme …
Antimicrobial properties of lysozyme in meat and meat products: possibilities and challenges
Meat and meat products are highly perishable as they can provide an appropriate
environment for microbial growth due to their high water activity and proper pH level. Quality …
environment for microbial growth due to their high water activity and proper pH level. Quality …
The influence of the substitution of fat with modified starch on the quality of pork liver pâtés
R Rezler, M Krzywdzińska-Bartkowiak, M Piątek - Lwt, 2021 - Elsevier
The aim of the study was to assess how the partial substitution of fat with modified starches
in the composition of pâté stuffing influenced the rheological, texture and sensory properties …
in the composition of pâté stuffing influenced the rheological, texture and sensory properties …
Polymer based nanomaterials for strategic applications in animal food value chains
K Ramachandraiah, GP Hong - Food Reviews International, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The major drivers in the development of animal and plant-derived foods are increasing food
demand, shifting dietary trends, rising environmental and health concerns, and the need for …
demand, shifting dietary trends, rising environmental and health concerns, and the need for …
[PDF][PDF] Lisozim dari putih telur ayam sebagai agen antibakterial
Lisozim merupakan salah satu protein penyusun komponen putih telur ayam yang berperan
penting sebagai sistem proteksi selama proses pertumbuhan embrio. Sistem proteksi …
penting sebagai sistem proteksi selama proses pertumbuhan embrio. Sistem proteksi …
Promising hen egg-derived proteins/peptides (EDPs) for food engineering, natural products and precision medicines
YH Zhang, J Bai, WN Jiang, CR Zhao, JJ Ji… - Research in veterinary …, 2020 - Elsevier
Hen eggs (HEs) provide valuable nutrients for humans, including proteins, carbohydrates,
lipids and vitamins. Recent studies revealed a number of novel egg-derived …
lipids and vitamins. Recent studies revealed a number of novel egg-derived …
Application of releasing systems in active packaging of meat products
In the human diet, meat is an important source of protein, vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids
and highly bioavailable iron. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, around …
and highly bioavailable iron. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, around …
[PDF][PDF] Profil sds-page dan aktivitas lisozim putih telur ayam lokal termodifikasi panas
Lisozim adalah enzim hidrolase yang bisa diisolasi dari putih telur ayam. Penelitian
bertujuan untuk mengarakterisasi lisozim termodifikasi dari putih telur ayam lokal dengan …
bertujuan untuk mengarakterisasi lisozim termodifikasi dari putih telur ayam lokal dengan …
R. Bruce Tompkin, Wendy Bedale, Andrew Milkowski, Kathleen Glass
JJ Sindelar - Antimicrobials in Food, 2020 - books.google.com
This review of the antimicrobial properties of nitrite is one among many. It differs, however, in
certain respects from other reviews. By generally arranging the information in chronological …
certain respects from other reviews. By generally arranging the information in chronological …