[PDF][PDF] Statistical variation of nutrient concentrations and biological removal efficiency of a wastewater treatment plant
The treatment plant of “AINEIA”, situated near the touristic area of N. Michaniona (Northern
Greece) was considered as a pilot wastewater treatment plant to evaluate the respective …
Greece) was considered as a pilot wastewater treatment plant to evaluate the respective …
[PDF][PDF] Hıyarda (Cucumis sativus L.) in situ uyartım sonucu elde edilen haploid embriyolardan in vitro haploid bitki oluşturma
G Çağlar, K Abak - Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 1999 - academia.edu
Bu araştırmada hıyarda ışınlanmış polenlerle in situ uyartım sonucu elde edilen değişik
gelişme safhalarındaki haploid embriyolar in vitro kültüre alınarak bitkiye dönüştürülmeye …
gelişme safhalarındaki haploid embriyolar in vitro kültüre alınarak bitkiye dönüştürülmeye …
[PDF][PDF] Sustainable management of water resources reusing municipal wastewater in the toll land approach
S Ghafoori, HH Darvishi, HM Samani - Journal of Water and Wastewater, 2021 - sid.ir
Reuse of treated wastewater is becoming a common source of extra renewable water
source in regions and countries with water-scarcity. The expansion of the urban population …
source in regions and countries with water-scarcity. The expansion of the urban population …
Enhancing the method of decentralized multi-purpose reuse of wastewater in urban area
S Ghafoori, H Hassanpour Darvishi… - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
The reuse of treated wastewater is attractive as a communal source of excess water source
in water-scarce counties and nations. The expansion of the urban population and the …
in water-scarce counties and nations. The expansion of the urban population and the …
Re-use of treated wastewater for irrigation of Rosmarinus officinalis L.
E Bozdogan - The Journal of Horticultural Science and …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Treated wastewater (TW) is now accepted as an alternative source of irrigation water that
can be used throughout the year, particularly in arid areas suffering from water shortages …
can be used throughout the year, particularly in arid areas suffering from water shortages …
[PDF][PDF] Atıksu Arıtma Suyunun Gazanya Yetiştiriciliğinde Tekrar Kullanılabilirliği
Ö Kahraman, A Akçal, N Kırıt - ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2017 - dergipark.org.tr
Endüstriyel gelişmeler, hızlı nüfus artışı ve göçler atık su miktarında yükselişe neden
olmuştur. Temiz su kaynaklarını kirletilmesi, kaynakların azalması ve kuraklık temiz su …
olmuştur. Temiz su kaynaklarını kirletilmesi, kaynakların azalması ve kuraklık temiz su …
Reusability of treated wastewater in Gazania cultivation.
Ö Kahraman, A Akçal, N Kırıt - 2017 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Industrial developments, rapid population growth and migration have caused rise in the
amount of wastewater. Polluting fresh water resources, the reduction of the resources and …
amount of wastewater. Polluting fresh water resources, the reduction of the resources and …
مدیریت پایدار منابع آب با استفاده مجدد از پساب شهری در رهیافت زمین عوارضی
غفوری, حسن پور درویشی, محمد ولی سامانی - مجله آب و فاضلاب, 2021 - wwjournal.ir
گسترش جمعیت شهری و افزایش پوشش شبکههای آبرسانی داخلی و شبکههای فاضلاب باعث
افزایش مقدار بیشتری از فاضلابهای شهری میشود که میتواند به منبع آبی جدید، بهویژه برای …
افزایش مقدار بیشتری از فاضلابهای شهری میشود که میتواند به منبع آبی جدید، بهویژه برای …