[CARTE][B] Effective groundwater model calibration: with analysis of data, sensitivities, predictions, and uncertainty

MC Hill, CR Tiedeman - 2007 - books.google.com
Methods and guidelines for develo** and using mathematical models Turn to Effective
Groundwater Model Calibration for a set of methods and guidelines that can help produce …

[CARTE][B] Applied stochastic hydrogeology

Y Rubin - 2003 - books.google.com
Stochastic Subsurface Hydrogeology is the study of subsurface, geological heterogeneity,
and its effects on flow and transport process, using probabilistic and geostatistical concepts …

Methods and guidelines for effective model calibration

MC Hill - Building partnerships, 2000 - ascelibrary.org
Methods and Guidelines for Effective Model Calibration Page 1 1 Methods and Guidelines for
Effective Model Calibration Mary C. Hill US Geological Survey, 3215 Marine St., Boulder …

Inverse problem in hydrogeology

J Carrera, A Alcolea, A Medina, J Hidalgo… - Hydrogeology …, 2005 - Springer
The state of the groundwater inverse problem is synthesized. Emphasis is placed on aquifer
characterization, where modelers have to deal with conceptual model uncertainty (notably …

[CARTE][B] Hydrogeology: groundwater science and engineering

A Dassargues - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This text combines the science and engineering of hydrogeology in an accessible,
innovative style. As well as providing physical descriptions and characterisations of …

Sensitivity analysis, calibration, and testing of a distributed hydrological model using error‐based weighting and one objective function

L Foglia, MC Hill, SW Mehl… - Water Resources …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
We evaluate the utility of three interrelated means of using data to calibrate the fully
distributed rainfall‐runoff model TOPKAPI as applied to the Maggia Valley drainage area in …

[CARTE][B] Field-scale water flow and solute transport: SWAP model concepts, parameter estimation and case studies

JC van Dam - 2000 - search.proquest.com
Water flow and solute transport in top soils are important elements in many environmental
studies. The agro-and ecohydrological model SWAP (Soil-Water-Plant-Atmosphere) has …

Hybrid genetic algorithm—local search methods for solving groundwater source identification inverse problems

G Mahinthakumar, M Sayeed - Journal of water resources planning …, 2005 - ascelibrary.org
Identifying contaminant sources in groundwater is important for develo** effective
remediation strategies and identifying responsible parties in a contamination incident …

[CARTE][B] Guidelines for evaluating ground-water flow models

TE Reilly, AW Harbaugh - 2004 - books.google.com
Page 1 USGS science for a changing world I 19.42/4-4:2004-5038 Guidelines for
Evaluating Ground-Water Flow Models Ocean C 2.0 4.0 6.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 Scientific …

[HTML][HTML] Hydrogeological and groundwater modeling studies to estimate the groundwater inflows into the coal Mines at different mine development stages using …

L Surinaidu, VVSG Rao, NS Rao, S Srinu - Water Resources and Industry, 2014 - Elsevier
Abstract The Singareni Collieries Company Ltd (SCCL) is exploiting coal in the Godavari
valley coal fields spread over 5.33 km 2 in Andhra Pradesh, India. In the area, six workable …