Social license to automate: A critical review of emerging approaches to electricity demand management
Electricity demand-side management (DSM) programs are becoming increasingly important
to energy system managers in advanced industrialized countries, especially those with high …
to energy system managers in advanced industrialized countries, especially those with high …
Trustworthy human-AI partnerships
In this paper, we foreground some of the key research challenges that arise in the design of
trustworthy human-AI partnerships. In particular, we focus on the challenges in designing …
trustworthy human-AI partnerships. In particular, we focus on the challenges in designing …
Trends and trajectories for explainable, accountable and intelligible systems: An hci research agenda
Advances in artificial intelligence, sensors and big data management have far-reaching
societal impacts. As these systems augment our everyday lives, it becomes increasing-ly …
societal impacts. As these systems augment our everyday lives, it becomes increasing-ly …
Evaluating saliency map explanations for convolutional neural networks: a user study
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) offer great machine learning performance over a
range of applications, but their operation is hard to interpret, even for experts. Various …
range of applications, but their operation is hard to interpret, even for experts. Various …
Designing human-agent collaborations: Commitment, responsiveness, and support
N Cila - Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human …, 2022 -
With the advancements in AI, agents (ie, smart products, robots, software agents) are
increasingly capable of working closely together with humans in a variety of ways while …
increasingly capable of working closely together with humans in a variety of ways while …
Review of cross-device interaction for facilitating digital transformation in smart home context: A user-centric perspective
C Mao, D Chang - Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2023 - Elsevier
With the permeation of smart devices and connected intelligence in people's daily life,
human–computer interaction is no longer between users and single products, but exists …
human–computer interaction is no longer between users and single products, but exists …
The blockchain and the commons: dilemmas in the design of local platforms
This paper addresses the design dilemmas that arise when distributed ledger technologies
(DLT) are to be applied in the governance of artificial material commons. DLTs, such as …
(DLT) are to be applied in the governance of artificial material commons. DLTs, such as …
Social contexts, agency, and conflicts: Exploring critical aspects of design for future smart home technologies
R Garg, H Cui - ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2022 -
Smart devices are increasingly being designed for, and adopted in, the home environment.
Prior scholarship has investigated the challenges that users face as they take up these …
Prior scholarship has investigated the challenges that users face as they take up these …
A framework for investigating the acceptance of smart home technologies: Findings for residential smart HVAC systems
We developed a framework to investigate the drivers for and barriers against adopting
integrated smart home technologies to encourage broader adoption of these technologies …
integrated smart home technologies to encourage broader adoption of these technologies …
Imagining sustainable energy communities: Design narratives of future digital technologies, sites, and participation
Increasingly, research projects narrate visions of energy communities that portray hopes of
more sustainable, democratic energy futures. However, it remains unarticulated how such …
more sustainable, democratic energy futures. However, it remains unarticulated how such …