Natural disturbance impacts on ecosystem services and biodiversity in temperate and boreal forests
In many parts of the world forest disturbance regimes have intensified recently, and future
climatic changes are expected to amplify this development further in the coming decades …
climatic changes are expected to amplify this development further in the coming decades …
The mycorrhizal‐associated nutrient economy: a new framework for predicting carbon–nutrient couplings in temperate forests
Understanding the context dependence of ecosystem responses to global changes requires
the development of new conceptual frameworks. Here we propose a framework for …
the development of new conceptual frameworks. Here we propose a framework for …
Mycorrhizal networks facilitate tree communication, learning, and memory
SW Simard - Memory and learning in plants, 2018 - Springer
Mycorrhizal fungal networks linking the roots of trees in forests are increasingly recognized
to facilitate inter-tree communication via resource, defense, and kin recognition signaling …
to facilitate inter-tree communication via resource, defense, and kin recognition signaling …
How does forest management affect fungal diversity and community composition? Current knowledge and future perspectives for the conservation of forest fungi
The influence of forest management on fungal diversity and community composition has
been the subject of a wide number of studies over the last two decades. However, the …
been the subject of a wide number of studies over the last two decades. However, the …
Shift in fungal communities and associated enzyme activities along an age gradient of managed Pinus sylvestris stands
Forestry reshapes ecosystems with respect to tree age structure, soil properties and
vegetation composition. These changes are likely to be paralleled by shifts in microbial …
vegetation composition. These changes are likely to be paralleled by shifts in microbial …
Mycorrhizal networks: mechanisms, ecology and modelling
Mycorrhizal networks, defined as a common mycorrhizal mycelium linking the roots of at
least two plants, occur in all major terrestrial ecosystems. This review discusses the recent …
least two plants, occur in all major terrestrial ecosystems. This review discusses the recent …
Soil microbial communities are shaped by plant‐driven changes in resource availability during secondary succession
Although we understand the ecological processes eliciting changes in plant community
composition during secondary succession, we do not understand whether co‐occurring …
composition during secondary succession, we do not understand whether co‐occurring …
Ecology of the forest microbiome: highlights of temperate and boreal ecosystems
Due to land use history, most of the current temperate and boreal forests are developed on
nutrient-poor and rocky soils, kee** fertile soils for agriculture. Consequently, the …
nutrient-poor and rocky soils, kee** fertile soils for agriculture. Consequently, the …
[HTML][HTML] TAMM review: Continuous root forestry—Living roots sustain the belowground ecosystem and soil carbon in managed forests
An estimated half of the carbon fixed by trees is transported belowground, a portion of which
is exuded into the soil where it fuels a complex belowground food web. The biological …
is exuded into the soil where it fuels a complex belowground food web. The biological …
Tree species identity surpasses richness in affecting soil microbial richness and community composition in subtropical forests
L Chen, W **ang, H Wu, S Ouyang, BO Zhou… - Soil Biology and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Plant interactions and feedbacks with soil microorganisms play an important role in
sustaining the functions and stability of terrestrial ecosystems, yet the effects of tree species …
sustaining the functions and stability of terrestrial ecosystems, yet the effects of tree species …