Trends in educational research about e-learning: A systematic literature review (2009–2018)
The concept of e-learning is a technology-mediated learning approach of great potential
from the educational perspective and it has been one of the main research lines of …
from the educational perspective and it has been one of the main research lines of …
e‑Learning Challenges Faced by Universities in Kenya: A Literature Review
Some institutions of higher education in Kenya have adopted e‑Learning with the aim of
co** with the increased demand for university education and to widen access to university …
co** with the increased demand for university education and to widen access to university …
Pandemic-accelerated digital transformation of a born digital higher education institution
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the digitalization of the majority of universities, prior to
which they were largely operating using face-to-face modes of learning. Increased …
which they were largely operating using face-to-face modes of learning. Increased …
Towards a new definition of blended learning
J Cronje - Electronic journal of e-Learning, 2020 - academic-publishing.org
Most current definitions of blended learning refer to a blend of online and face‑to‑face
instruction. It seems that few authors notice the irony that the definition of blended learning …
instruction. It seems that few authors notice the irony that the definition of blended learning …
Sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento sustentável: desvendando as sobreposições e alcances de seus significados
AA Feil, D Schreiber - Cadernos Ebape. BR, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
Sustentável, sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento sustentável são termos notáveis e
oportunos em nível global. Entretanto pelo fato de serem desprovidos de conceitos …
oportunos em nível global. Entretanto pelo fato de serem desprovidos de conceitos …
Investigating the E-learning challenges faced by students during COVID-19 in Namibia.
Over the past two decades, e-learning has become an increasingly important field of study
that has attracted scholarly and policy makers' attention. Many develo** nations have …
that has attracted scholarly and policy makers' attention. Many develo** nations have …
Higher education and sustainable development goals (SDG)—potential contribution of the undergraduate courses of the school of social sciences of the University of …
In this work we analyzed the map** of Sustainable Development Goals in the curricular
units of the undergraduate courses of the School of Social Sciences at the University of …
units of the undergraduate courses of the School of Social Sciences at the University of …
[HTML][HTML] E-learning financing models in Russia for sustainable development
D Nie, E Panfilova, V Samusenkov, A Mikhaylov - Sustainability, 2020 - mdpi.com
E-learning brings new dimensions to traditional education. This especially affects countries
that, due to many factors, have historically been considered the “talent pool” for the world …
that, due to many factors, have historically been considered the “talent pool” for the world …
Digital learning environments in higher education: A literature review of the role of individual vs. social settings for measuring learning outcomes
Research on digital learning environments has traditionally applied either an individual
perspective or a social perspective to learning. Based on a literature review, we examined to …
perspective or a social perspective to learning. Based on a literature review, we examined to …
A multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach for data-driven distance learning recommendations
AM Alshamsi, H El-Kassabi, MA Serhani… - Education and …, 2023 - Springer
Distance learning has been adopted as an alternative learning strategy to the face-to-face
teaching methodology. It has been largely implemented by many governments worldwide …
teaching methodology. It has been largely implemented by many governments worldwide …