Advances in dynamic light scattering imaging of blood flow
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is a well known experimental approach uniquely suited for
the characterization of small particles undergoing Brownian motion in randomly …
the characterization of small particles undergoing Brownian motion in randomly …
Laser speckle contrast imaging: theory, instrumentation and applications
Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI) is a wide field of view, non scanning optical
technique for observing blood flow. Speckles are produced when coherent light scattered …
technique for observing blood flow. Speckles are produced when coherent light scattered …
Laser speckle imaging to monitor microvascular blood flow: a review
Laser speckle is a complex interference phenomenon that can easily be understood, in
concept, but is difficult to predict mathematically, because it is a stochastic process. The use …
concept, but is difficult to predict mathematically, because it is a stochastic process. The use …
Dynamic light scattering and laser speckle contrast imaging of the brain: theory of the spatial and temporal statistics of speckle pattern evolution
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) are closely related
techniques that exploit the statistics of speckle patterns, which can be utilized to measure …
techniques that exploit the statistics of speckle patterns, which can be utilized to measure …
Relevance of laser Doppler and laser speckle techniques for assessing vascular function: state of the art and future trends
A Humeau-Heurtier, E Guerreschi… - IEEE transactions on …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In clinical and research applications, the assessment of vascular function has become of
major importance to evaluate and follow the evolution of cardiovascular pathologies …
major importance to evaluate and follow the evolution of cardiovascular pathologies …
Effective two-photon excited photodynamic therapy of xenograft tumors sensitized by water-soluble bis (arylidene) cycloalkanone photosensitizers
Q Zou, H Zhao, Y Zhao, Y Fang, D Chen… - Journal of Medicinal …, 2015 - ACS Publications
A series of bis (arylidene) cycloalkanone photosensitizers modified by polyethylene glycol
(PEG) have been studied for two-photon excited photodynamic therapy (2PE-PDT). As …
(PEG) have been studied for two-photon excited photodynamic therapy (2PE-PDT). As …
Comprehensive workflow and its validation for simulating diffuse speckle statistics for optical blood flow measurements
Diffuse optical methods including speckle contrast optical spectroscopy and tomography
(SCOS and SCOT), use speckle contrast (κ) to measure deep blood flow. In order to design …
(SCOS and SCOT), use speckle contrast (κ) to measure deep blood flow. In order to design …
Augmenting collateral blood flow during ischemic stroke via transient aortic occlusion
IR Winship, GA Armitage… - Journal of Cerebral …, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Collateral circulation provides an alternative route for blood flow to reach ischemic tissue
during a stroke. Blood flow through the cerebral collaterals is a critical predictor of clinical …
during a stroke. Blood flow through the cerebral collaterals is a critical predictor of clinical …
An overview of three promising mechanical, optical, and biochemical engineering approaches to improve selective photothermolysis of refractory port wine stains
During the last three decades, several laser systems, ancillary technologies, and treatment
modalities have been developed for the treatment of port wine stains (PWSs). However …
modalities have been developed for the treatment of port wine stains (PWSs). However …
Intrinsic, widefield optical imaging of hemodynamics in rodent models of Alzheimer's disease and neurological injury
The complex cerebrovascular network is critical to controlling local cerebral blood flow
(CBF) and maintaining brain homeostasis. Alzheimer's disease (AD) and neurological injury …
(CBF) and maintaining brain homeostasis. Alzheimer's disease (AD) and neurological injury …