[KNJIGA][B] Recurrent Sequences
D Andrica, O Bagdasar - 2020 - Springer
This book presents the state-of-the-art results concerning recurrent sequences and their
practical applications in algebra, number theory, geometry of the complex plane, discrete …
practical applications in algebra, number theory, geometry of the complex plane, discrete …
[PDF][PDF] Horadam sequences: a survey
PJ Larcombe, OD Bagdasar, EJ Fennessey - Bulletin of the ICA, 2013 - researchgate.net
Horadam Sequences: A Survey Page 1 Horadam Sequences: A Survey Peter J. Larcombe,
Ovidiu D. Bagdasar and Eric J. Fennessey † School of Computing and Mathematics …
Ovidiu D. Bagdasar and Eric J. Fennessey † School of Computing and Mathematics …
Horadam sequences: A survey update and extension.
PJ Larcombe - Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and …, 2017 - repository.derby.ac.uk
We give an update on work relating to Horadam sequences that are generated by a general
linear recurrence formula of order two. This article extends a first ever survey published in …
linear recurrence formula of order two. This article extends a first ever survey published in …
On the number of complex Horadam sequences with a fixed period
OD Bagdasar, PJ Larcombe - The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The Horadam sequence is a direct generalization of the Fibonacci numbers in the complex
plane, depending on a family of four complex parameters: two recurrence coefficients and …
plane, depending on a family of four complex parameters: two recurrence coefficients and …
On the characterization of periodic generalized Horadam sequences
OD Bagdasar, PJ Larcombe - Journal of Difference Equations and …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The Horadam sequence is a direct generalization of the Fibonacci numbers in the complex
plane, which depends on a family of four complex parameters: two recurrence coefficients …
plane, which depends on a family of four complex parameters: two recurrence coefficients …
On the ratios and geometric boundaries of complex Horadam sequences
Horadam sequences are second-order linear recurrences in the complex plane which
depend on two initial conditions and two recurrence coefficients which are complex …
depend on two initial conditions and two recurrence coefficients which are complex …
[HTML][HTML] On the dynamic geometry of Kasner quadrilaterals with complex parameter
We explore the dynamics of the sequence of Kasner quadrilaterals (A n B n C n D n) n≥ 0
defined via a complex parameter α. We extend the results concerning Kasner triangles with …
defined via a complex parameter α. We extend the results concerning Kasner triangles with …
On Horadam sequence periodicity: a new approach
PJ Larcombe, EJ Fennessey - Bulletin of the Institute of …, 2015 - repository.derby.ac.uk
A so called Horadam sequence is one delivered by a general second order recurrence
formula with arbitrary initial conditions. We examine aspects of self-repeating Horadam …
formula with arbitrary initial conditions. We examine aspects of self-repeating Horadam …
On the structure of periodic complex Horadam orbits
Numerous geometric patterns identified in nature, art or science can be generated from
recurrent sequences, such as for example certain fractals or Fermat's spiral. Fibonacci …
recurrent sequences, such as for example certain fractals or Fermat's spiral. Fibonacci …
On the masked periodicity of Horadam sequences: A generator-based approach
OD Bagdasar, PJ Larcombe - The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The Horadam sequence is a general second order linear recurrence sequence, dependent
on a family of four (possibly complex) parameters—two recurrence coefficients and two …
on a family of four (possibly complex) parameters—two recurrence coefficients and two …