[KNJIGA][B] Recurrent Sequences

D Andrica, O Bagdasar - 2020 - Springer
This book presents the state-of-the-art results concerning recurrent sequences and their
practical applications in algebra, number theory, geometry of the complex plane, discrete …

[PDF][PDF] Horadam sequences: a survey

PJ Larcombe, OD Bagdasar, EJ Fennessey - Bulletin of the ICA, 2013 - researchgate.net
Horadam Sequences: A Survey Page 1 Horadam Sequences: A Survey Peter J. Larcombe,
Ovidiu D. Bagdasar and Eric J. Fennessey † School of Computing and Mathematics …

Horadam sequences: A survey update and extension.

PJ Larcombe - Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and …, 2017 - repository.derby.ac.uk
We give an update on work relating to Horadam sequences that are generated by a general
linear recurrence formula of order two. This article extends a first ever survey published in …

On the number of complex Horadam sequences with a fixed period

OD Bagdasar, PJ Larcombe - The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The Horadam sequence is a direct generalization of the Fibonacci numbers in the complex
plane, depending on a family of four complex parameters: two recurrence coefficients and …

On the characterization of periodic generalized Horadam sequences

OD Bagdasar, PJ Larcombe - Journal of Difference Equations and …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The Horadam sequence is a direct generalization of the Fibonacci numbers in the complex
plane, which depends on a family of four complex parameters: two recurrence coefficients …

On the ratios and geometric boundaries of complex Horadam sequences

O Bagdasar, E Hedderwick, IL Popa - Electronic Notes in Discrete …, 2018 - Elsevier
Horadam sequences are second-order linear recurrences in the complex plane which
depend on two initial conditions and two recurrence coefficients which are complex …

[HTML][HTML] On the dynamic geometry of Kasner quadrilaterals with complex parameter

D Andrica, O Bagdasar - Mathematics, 2022 - mdpi.com
We explore the dynamics of the sequence of Kasner quadrilaterals (A n B n C n D n) n≥ 0
defined via a complex parameter α. We extend the results concerning Kasner triangles with …

On Horadam sequence periodicity: a new approach

PJ Larcombe, EJ Fennessey - Bulletin of the Institute of …, 2015 - repository.derby.ac.uk
A so called Horadam sequence is one delivered by a general second order recurrence
formula with arbitrary initial conditions. We examine aspects of self-repeating Horadam …

On the structure of periodic complex Horadam orbits

OD Bagdasar, PJ Larcombe, A Anjum - Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 2016 - JSTOR
Numerous geometric patterns identified in nature, art or science can be generated from
recurrent sequences, such as for example certain fractals or Fermat's spiral. Fibonacci …

On the masked periodicity of Horadam sequences: A generator-based approach

OD Bagdasar, PJ Larcombe - The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The Horadam sequence is a general second order linear recurrence sequence, dependent
on a family of four (possibly complex) parameters—two recurrence coefficients and two …