Electrical conductivity of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system
Electromagnetic geophysical methods image the electrical conductivity of the subsurface.
Electrical conductivity is an intrinsic material property that is sensitive to temperature …
Electrical conductivity is an intrinsic material property that is sensitive to temperature …
[HTML][HTML] Review of calculating the electrical conductivity of mineral aggregates from constituent conductivities
K Han, SM Clark - Solid Earth Sciences, 2021 - Elsevier
The electrical conductivity of mineral aggregates depends both on the properties of the
constitutive minerals and the ways those minerals are assembled. Mixing, or average …
constitutive minerals and the ways those minerals are assembled. Mixing, or average …
Temperature Dependence of H2O Solubility in Al‐Free Stishovite
The role of stishovite in transporting water in subducting slabs has been a subject of debate
for several decades. Here we investigated stishovite's water solubility and its potential role in …
for several decades. Here we investigated stishovite's water solubility and its potential role in …
Small effect of partial melt on electrical anomalies in the asthenosphere
High conductivity anomalies in the shallow mantle are frequently attributed to minor partial
melt (basalt or carbonatite) in the olivine-dominated peridotites. Conductivity of a melt …
melt (basalt or carbonatite) in the olivine-dominated peridotites. Conductivity of a melt …
Probing deep hydrogen using electrical conductivity
T Yoshino, G Manthilake, A Pommier - Elements, 2024 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Electrical conductivity is perhaps the physical property of rocks that is most sensitive to the
presence of hydrogen. Hydrogen enhances conductivity via proton conduction in minerals or …
presence of hydrogen. Hydrogen enhances conductivity via proton conduction in minerals or …
Electrical Moho and upper mantle metasomatism in the Archaean Bundelkhand craton of the Indian peninsular shield
Abstract The Bundelkhand Craton (BKC), one of the Archaean nuclei in the north central part
of the Indian shield, has a lesser surface exposure compared to other cratons. Recent …
of the Indian shield, has a lesser surface exposure compared to other cratons. Recent …
Electrical conductivity in texturally equilibrated fluid‐bearing forsterite aggregates at 800° C and 1 GPa: Implications for the high electrical conductivity anomalies in …
Aqueous fluids are one of the principal agents of chemical transport in Earth´ s interior. The
precise determination of fluid fractions is essential to understand bulk physical properties …
precise determination of fluid fractions is essential to understand bulk physical properties …
Water storage capacity of the martian mantle through time
Water has been stored in the Martian mantle since its formation, primarily in nominally
anhydrous minerals. The short-lived early hydrosphere and intermittently flowing water on …
anhydrous minerals. The short-lived early hydrosphere and intermittently flowing water on …
Role of hydrogen and proton transportation in Earth's deep mantle
Q Hu, H Mao - Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
Hydrogen (H) is the most abundant element in the known universe, and on the Earth's
surface it bonds with oxygen to form water, which is a distinguishing feature of this planet. In …
surface it bonds with oxygen to form water, which is a distinguishing feature of this planet. In …
High electrical conductivity of olivine at oxidizing conditions of the shallow mantle and geophysical implications
High electrical conductivity in the shallow mantle has long been recognized by
electromagnetic depth soundings, but the origin remains debated. Various candidates, of …
electromagnetic depth soundings, but the origin remains debated. Various candidates, of …