MIPAS level 2 operational analysis

P Raspollini, C Belotti, A Burgess, B Carli… - Atmospheric …, 2006 - acp.copernicus.org
The MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) instrument has
been operating on-board the ENVISAT satellite since March 2002. In the first two years, it …

MIPAS: an instrument for atmospheric and climate research

H Fischer, M Birk, C Blom, B Carli… - Atmospheric …, 2008 - acp.copernicus.org
MIPAS, the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding, is a mid-infrared
emission spectrometer which is part of the core payload of ENVISAT. It is a limb sounder, ie …

Retrieval of temperature and tangent altitude pointing from limb emission spectra recorded from space by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric …

T von Clarmann, N Glatthor… - Journal of …, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Retrieval of abundances of atmospheric species from limb infrared emission spectra
requires accurate knowledge of the pointing of the instrument in terms of elevation, as well …

Composition changes after the" Halloween" solar proton event: the High Energy Particle Precipitation in the Atmosphere (HEPPA) model versus MIPAS data …

B Funke, A Baumgaertner, M Calisto… - Atmospheric …, 2011 - acp.copernicus.org
We have compared composition changes of NO, NO 2, H 2 O 2, O 3, N 2 O, HNO 3, N 2 O 5,
HNO 4, ClO, HOCl, and ClONO 2 as observed by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive …

Potential biosignatures in super-Earth atmospheres-I. Spectral appearance of super-Earths around M dwarfs

H Rauer, S Gebauer, P Paris, J Cabrera… - Astronomy & …, 2011 - aanda.org
Atmospheric temperature and mixing ratio profiles of terrestrial planets vary with the spectral
energy flux distribution for different types of M-dwarf stars and the planetary gravity. We …

Radiative transfer and inversion codes for characterizing planetary atmospheres: an overview

M Rengel, J Adamczewski - Frontiers in Astronomy and Space …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
The study of planetary atmospheres is crucial for understanding the origin, evolution, and
processes that shape celestial bodies like planets, moons and comets. The interpretation of …

[HTML][HTML] GARLIC—A general purpose atmospheric radiative transfer line-by-line infrared-microwave code: Implementation and evaluation

F Schreier, SG García, P Hedelt, M Hess… - Journal of Quantitative …, 2014 - Elsevier
A suite of programs for high resolution infrared-microwave atmospheric radiative transfer
modeling has been developed with emphasis on efficient and reliable numerical algorithms …

Py4cats—PYthon for computational ATmospheric spectroscopy

F Schreier, S Gimeno García, P Hochstaffl, S Städt - Atmosphere, 2019 - mdpi.com
Radiation is a key process in the atmosphere. Numerous radiative transfer codes have been
developed spanning a large range of wavelengths, complexities, speeds, and accuracies. In …

[HTML][HTML] IMK/IAA MIPAS temperature retrieval version 8: nominal measurements

M Kiefer, T von Clarmann, B Funke… - Atmospheric …, 2021 - amt.copernicus.org
A new global set of atmospheric temperature profiles is retrieved from recalibrated radiance
spectra recorded with the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding …

Spectra calculations in central and wing regions of CO2 IR bands. IV: Software and database for the computation of atmospheric spectra

F Niro, K Jucks, JM Hartmann - Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and …, 2005 - Elsevier
In the preceding companion papers a model, based on the impact and the Energy-Corrected
Sudden approximations, was proposed for the calculation of the absorption shape of CO2 in …