Searching for belonging–an analytical framework

M Antonsich - Geography compass, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Belonging is a notion both vaguely defined and ill‐theorized. Scholars in various social
disciplines often take this notion for granted, as if its meaning is somewhat self‐explanatory …

Fluidity and flexibility of “belonging” Uses of the concept in contemporary research

T Lähdesmäki, T Saresma, K Hiltunen… - Acta …, 2016 -
Studies framing “belonging” as a key focus and a central concept of research have
increased significantly in the 2000s. This article explores the dimensions of belonging as a …

More-than-human, emergent belongings: A weak theory approach

S Wright - Progress in human geography, 2015 -
Belonging is an ambiguous concept that has tended to escape the rigorous theorization of
other key concepts in geography. Rather than viewing this as a weakness, I turn to weak …

(Supra) national identity and language: Rethinking national and European migration policies and the linguistic integration of migrants

R Wodak, S Boukala - Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 2015 -
In this paper we juxtapose the European Union's (EU's) supranational policies on language
and migration with their recontextualisation into national policies of the linguistic integration …

Refugee youth, belonging and community sport

R Spaaij - Leisure studies, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines community sport as a site where refugee youth negotiate belonging,
which is conceptualised as a dynamic dialectic of 'seeking'and 'granting'. Drawing on three …

Language, power and identity

R Wodak - Language teaching, 2012 -
How are identities constructed in discourse? How are national and European identities tied
to language and communication? And what role does power have–power in discourse, over …

Entextualization and resemiotization as resources for identification in social media

S Leppänen, S Kytölä, H Jousmäki, S Peuronen… - The language of social …, 2014 - Springer
Drawing on insights provided by linguistic anthropology, the study of multisemioticity and
research in computer-mediated discourse (CMD), this chapter discusses how …

Children of the crisis: Ethnographic perspectives on unaccompanied refugee youth in and en route to Europe

A Lems, K Oester, S Strasser - Journal of ethnic and migration …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This special issue explores the ways unaccompanied refugee youth in and en route to
Europe actively deal with the intensification of exclusionary practices towards migrants and …

3'Us' and'Them': Inclusion and

R Wodak - Identity, belonging and migration, 2008 -
Philomena Essed (1991) has captured many aspects of contemporary discrimination in this
quotation: discriminatory acts may manifest themselves on all levels of language; exclusion …