Searching for belonging–an analytical framework
M Antonsich - Geography compass, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Belonging is a notion both vaguely defined and ill‐theorized. Scholars in various social
disciplines often take this notion for granted, as if its meaning is somewhat self‐explanatory …
disciplines often take this notion for granted, as if its meaning is somewhat self‐explanatory …
Fluidity and flexibility of “belonging” Uses of the concept in contemporary research
Studies framing “belonging” as a key focus and a central concept of research have
increased significantly in the 2000s. This article explores the dimensions of belonging as a …
increased significantly in the 2000s. This article explores the dimensions of belonging as a …
A useful methodological synergy? Combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to examine discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press
This article discusses the extent to which methods normally associated with corpus
linguistics can be effectively used by critical discourse analysts. Our research is based on …
linguistics can be effectively used by critical discourse analysts. Our research is based on …
More-than-human, emergent belongings: A weak theory approach
S Wright - Progress in human geography, 2015 -
Belonging is an ambiguous concept that has tended to escape the rigorous theorization of
other key concepts in geography. Rather than viewing this as a weakness, I turn to weak …
other key concepts in geography. Rather than viewing this as a weakness, I turn to weak …
(Supra) national identity and language: Rethinking national and European migration policies and the linguistic integration of migrants
In this paper we juxtapose the European Union's (EU's) supranational policies on language
and migration with their recontextualisation into national policies of the linguistic integration …
and migration with their recontextualisation into national policies of the linguistic integration …
Refugee youth, belonging and community sport
R Spaaij - Leisure studies, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines community sport as a site where refugee youth negotiate belonging,
which is conceptualised as a dynamic dialectic of 'seeking'and 'granting'. Drawing on three …
which is conceptualised as a dynamic dialectic of 'seeking'and 'granting'. Drawing on three …
Language, power and identity
R Wodak - Language teaching, 2012 -
How are identities constructed in discourse? How are national and European identities tied
to language and communication? And what role does power have–power in discourse, over …
to language and communication? And what role does power have–power in discourse, over …
Entextualization and resemiotization as resources for identification in social media
Drawing on insights provided by linguistic anthropology, the study of multisemioticity and
research in computer-mediated discourse (CMD), this chapter discusses how …
research in computer-mediated discourse (CMD), this chapter discusses how …
Children of the crisis: Ethnographic perspectives on unaccompanied refugee youth in and en route to Europe
A Lems, K Oester, S Strasser - Journal of ethnic and migration …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This special issue explores the ways unaccompanied refugee youth in and en route to
Europe actively deal with the intensification of exclusionary practices towards migrants and …
Europe actively deal with the intensification of exclusionary practices towards migrants and …
3'Us' and'Them': Inclusion and
R Wodak - Identity, belonging and migration, 2008 -
Philomena Essed (1991) has captured many aspects of contemporary discrimination in this
quotation: discriminatory acts may manifest themselves on all levels of language; exclusion …
quotation: discriminatory acts may manifest themselves on all levels of language; exclusion …