[HTML][HTML] Unraveling particle formation: From single droplet drying to spray drying and electrospraying
Spray drying and electrospraying are well-established drying processes that already have
proven their value in the pharmaceutical field. However, there is currently still a lack of …
proven their value in the pharmaceutical field. However, there is currently still a lack of …
Single droplet combustion of precursor/solvent solutions for nanoparticle production: Optical diagnostics on single isolated burning droplets with micro-explosions
In order to understand the droplet micro-explosions occurring during single droplet
combustion of the flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) precursor/solvent solutions, the optical …
combustion of the flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) precursor/solvent solutions, the optical …
Transient evaluations of the temperature and diameter of an evaporating droplet stream by using rainbow technique and simulation
The transient evaporation characteristics of free-falling ethanol droplets under ambient
temperatures of 373–473 K are investigated with the rainbow technique. The size and …
temperatures of 373–473 K are investigated with the rainbow technique. The size and …
A new DNS formalism dedicated to turbulent two-phase flows with phase change
Phase change in multiphase flows occurs in many natural and industrial applications, eg,
rain formation, internal combustion engines, heat exchangers, multiphase reactors, etc. In …
rain formation, internal combustion engines, heat exchangers, multiphase reactors, etc. In …
Dual-beam interferometric particle imaging for size measurement of opaque metal droplet
Size measurement of micron-sized metal droplet is of great demand in industrial
applications, eg, 3D printing and metal propellant. A dual-beam interferometric particle …
applications, eg, 3D printing and metal propellant. A dual-beam interferometric particle …
Measurement of transient evaporation of an ethanol droplet stream with phase rainbow refractometry and high-speed microscopic shadowgraphy
Quantifying the evaporation rate of droplets is of great importance in many applications and
this is especially true if the evaporation occurs in a rapidly changing environment, such that …
this is especially true if the evaporation occurs in a rapidly changing environment, such that …
Measurement of interacting ethanol droplets evaporation at moderately elevated temperature and pressure using phase rainbow refractometry
Evaporation characteristics of interacting fuel droplets under the joint effect of ambient
pressure, temperature and droplet size and spacing are critical to combustor design and …
pressure, temperature and droplet size and spacing are critical to combustor design and …
Simultaneous measurement of monocomponent droplet temperature/refractive index, size and evaporation rate with phase rainbow refractometry
The accurate measurements of droplet temperature, size and evaporation rate are of great
importance to characterize the heat and mass transfer during evaporation/condensation …
importance to characterize the heat and mass transfer during evaporation/condensation …
Phase interferometric particle imaging for simultaneous measurements of evaporating micron-sized droplet and nanoscale size changes
We have developed phase interferometric particle imaging (PHIPI) of Mie scattering to
simultaneously measure the spherical and transparent droplet size at the micron scale and …
simultaneously measure the spherical and transparent droplet size at the micron scale and …
Simulation of the optical caustics associated with the primary rainbow for oblate spheroidal drops illuminated by a Gaussian beam
J Wang, H Yu, J Shen, B Yang, C Tropea - Optics Express, 2020 - opg.optica.org
A vector ray-tracing model (VRT) has been developed to compute the optical caustics
associated with the primary rainbow for an oblate spheroidal water drop illuminated by a …
associated with the primary rainbow for an oblate spheroidal water drop illuminated by a …