Pulsed out of awareness: EEG alpha oscillations represent a pulsed-inhibition of ongoing cortical processing
Alpha oscillations are ubiquitous in the brain, but their role in cortical processing remains a
matter of debate. Recently, evidence has begun to accumulate in support of a role for alpha …
matter of debate. Recently, evidence has begun to accumulate in support of a role for alpha …
Functional roles of alpha-band phase synchronization in local and large-scale cortical networks
Alpha-frequency band (8–14 Hz) oscillations are among the most salient phenomena in
human electroencephalography (EEG) recordings and yet their functional roles have …
human electroencephalography (EEG) recordings and yet their functional roles have …
Making waves in the stream of consciousness: entraining oscillations in EEG alpha and fluctuations in visual awareness with rhythmic visual stimulation
Rhythmic events are common in our sensory world. Temporal regularities could be used to
predict the timing of upcoming events, thus facilitating their processing. Indeed, cognitive …
predict the timing of upcoming events, thus facilitating their processing. Indeed, cognitive …
Alpha-band rhythms in visual task performance: phase-locking by rhythmic sensory stimulation
Oscillations are an important aspect of neuronal activity. Interestingly, oscillatory patterns are
also observed in behaviour, such as in visual performance measures after the presentation …
also observed in behaviour, such as in visual performance measures after the presentation …
[HTML][HTML] Microsaccades transiently lateralise EEG alpha activity
The lateralisation of 8–12 Hz alpha activity is a canonical signature of human spatial
cognition that is typically studied under strict fixation requirements. Yet, even during …
cognition that is typically studied under strict fixation requirements. Yet, even during …
Abnormalities of neuronal oscillations and temporal integration to low-and high-frequency auditory stimulation in schizophrenia
BACKGROUND: Electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography studies indicate
among schizophrenia patients (SZ) abnormal, often reduced, entrained steady-state (aSSR) …
among schizophrenia patients (SZ) abnormal, often reduced, entrained steady-state (aSSR) …
This is the rhythm of your eyes: the phase of ongoing electroencephalogram oscillations modulates saccadic reaction time
Motor reaction times in humans are highly variable from one trial to the next, even for simple
and automatic tasks, such as shifting your gaze to a suddenly appearing target. Although …
and automatic tasks, such as shifting your gaze to a suddenly appearing target. Although …
Brain oscillatory correlates of working memory constraints
It has been claimed that the coordination of neuronal oscillations differing in frequency is
relevant for cognition. However, the validity of this claim has scarcely been investigated …
relevant for cognition. However, the validity of this claim has scarcely been investigated …
[PDF][PDF] Temporal asymmetries and interactions between dorsal and ventral visual pathways during object recognition
Despite their anatomical and functional distinctions, there is growing evidence that the
dorsal and ventral visual pathways interact to support object recognition. However, the exact …
dorsal and ventral visual pathways interact to support object recognition. However, the exact …
The common rhythm of action and perception
Research in the last decade has undermined the idea of perception as a continuous
process, providing strong empirical support for its rhythmic modulation. More recently, it has …
process, providing strong empirical support for its rhythmic modulation. More recently, it has …