Demystifying ecological connectivity for actionable spatial conservation planning
Connectivity underpins the persistence of life; it needs to inform biodiversity conservation
decisions. Yet, when prioritising conservation areas and develo** actions, connectivity is …
decisions. Yet, when prioritising conservation areas and develo** actions, connectivity is …
Advancing understanding of natural resource governance: a post-Ostrom research agenda
Institutions are vital to the sustainability of social-ecological systems, balancing individual
and group interests and coordinating responses to change. Ecological decline and social …
and group interests and coordinating responses to change. Ecological decline and social …
Advancing coral reef governance into the Anthropocene
The unprecedented global heatwave of 2014–2017 was a defining event for many
ecosystems. Widespread degradation caused by coral bleaching, for example, highlighted …
ecosystems. Widespread degradation caused by coral bleaching, for example, highlighted …
Toward a methodology for explaining and theorizing about social-ecological phenomena
Highlights•Case comparison and synthesis methods are increasingly being used alongside
in-depth case studies to investigate causal effects and causal mechanisms in social …
in-depth case studies to investigate causal effects and causal mechanisms in social …
Management foundations for navigating ecological transformation by resisting, accepting, or directing social–ecological change
Despite striking global change, management to ensure healthy landscapes and sustained
natural resources has tended to set objectives on the basis of the historical range of …
natural resources has tended to set objectives on the basis of the historical range of …
Fish and fisheries in hot water: What is happening and how do we adapt?
Rapid climate changes are currently driving substantial reorganizations of marine
ecosystems around the world. A key question is how these changes will alter the provision of …
ecosystems around the world. A key question is how these changes will alter the provision of …
Climate change adaptation needs a science of culture
There is global consensus that we must immediately prioritize climate change adaptation—
change in response to or anticipation of risks from climate change. Some researchers and …
change in response to or anticipation of risks from climate change. Some researchers and …
Detecting and attributing the causes of biodiversity change: needs, gaps and solutions
This issue addresses the multifaceted problems of understanding biodiversity change to
meet emerging international development and conservation goals, national economic …
meet emerging international development and conservation goals, national economic …
Global trade network patterns are coupled to fisheries sustainability
The rapid development of seafood trade networks alongside the decline in biomass of many
marine populations raises important questions about the role of global trade in fisheries …
marine populations raises important questions about the role of global trade in fisheries …
Fishery Improvement Projects as a governance tool for fisheries sustainability: A global comparative analysis
Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) are a form of private governance using seafood supply
chains to reduce environmental impacts of fishing in some of the most challenged fisheries …
chains to reduce environmental impacts of fishing in some of the most challenged fisheries …