Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) and related systematic comparative methods: Recent advances and remaining challenges for social science research
B Rihoux - International sociology, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
During the past two decades, a set of systematic comparative case analysis techniques has
been develo** at a steady pace. During the last few years especially, the main initial …
been develo** at a steady pace. During the last few years especially, the main initial …
[PDF][PDF] Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in Public Policy Analysis: an Extensive Review.
This article provides a first systematic review of the connection between public policy
analysis and QCA (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) techniques, with an emphasis on the …
analysis and QCA (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) techniques, with an emphasis on the …
Emotional skills for entrepreneurial success: the promise of entrepreneurship education and policy
Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship policies have a common goal—to spur
entrepreneurial activity and its impact on individuals, organizations, regions and countries …
entrepreneurial activity and its impact on individuals, organizations, regions and countries …
The ineffectiveness of entrepreneurship policy: is policy formulation to blame?
Entrepreneurship policy has been criticised for its lack of effectiveness. Some scholars, such
as Scott Shane in this journal, have argued that it is 'bad'public policy. But this simply begs …
as Scott Shane in this journal, have argued that it is 'bad'public policy. But this simply begs …
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and related techniques: Recent advances and challenges
B Rihoux - Methoden der vergleichenden Politik-und …, 2009 - Springer
Following a seminal volume by (1987), a set of systematic comparative case analysis
techniques has been develo** at a steady pace. During the last few years especially, the …
techniques has been develo** at a steady pace. During the last few years especially, the …
The introduction of anti-tax evasion legislation in Thailand: an institutional theoretical perspective
ABSTRACT On 26 April 2016, Thailand introduced new tax evasion legislation which was
enacted by Parliament in April 2017. The Act amended previous anti-money laundering …
enacted by Parliament in April 2017. The Act amended previous anti-money laundering …
25 années de QCA (Qualitative Comparative Analysis): quel chemin parcouru?
Pour plus de détails: cf. RIHOUX B.,«Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related
Systematic Comparative Methods: Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges for Social …
Systematic Comparative Methods: Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges for Social …
[PDF][PDF] Porter's five forces and generic strategies
N Arshed, J Pancholi - … edited by N. Arshed, J. McFarlane …, 2016 - goodfellowpublishers.com
Competition is what keeps organizations and industries alive. Harvard Business School
Professor, Michael Porter, was keen to understand the drivers of success in commercial …
Professor, Michael Porter, was keen to understand the drivers of success in commercial …
Trade liberalization, social policies and health: a theoretical and empirical exploration
C McNamara - 2014 - etheses.whiterose.ac.uk
This thesis theoretically and empirically explores how trade liberalization and social
protection policies interact to influence health. It is conducted from a political economy of …
protection policies interact to influence health. It is conducted from a political economy of …
The formulation of enterprise policy in the UK: an institutional theoretical perspective
N Arshed - 2011 - stax.strath.ac.uk
Abstract Small and Medium Enterprises play an important role in the contribution to
economic growth and the employment levels of a country. The UK government has …
economic growth and the employment levels of a country. The UK government has …